Canada PM Trudeau Says There Could Well Be An Election Soon, Doesn’t Want One – IOTW Report

Canada PM Trudeau Says There Could Well Be An Election Soon, Doesn’t Want One

OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made clear for the first time on Friday there could well be an election this year, indicating his government is preparing for a vote he insists he does not want.

Trudeau’s Liberal Party only controls a minority of seats in the House of Commons, which means he needs the support of opposition parties to govern and can be brought down if they unite against him.

Trudeau, who says his priority is tackling the coronavirus epidemic, has previously sidestepped questions about an election, saying merely that one was theoretically possible.

“Obviously, we are in a minority government, and that could well happen,” he told Montreal’s CHOU 1450 AM radio station when asked about the chances of a vote in the coming months.

“Our priority as a government is going to be helping people get through this pandemic … it’s not in our interests to have an election,” he added. The last election was in October 2019. more

18 Comments on Canada PM Trudeau Says There Could Well Be An Election Soon, Doesn’t Want One

  1. Fucked am I!

    Our conservatives really do not behave that much different.
    Federal Conservative leader got covid & hid for 2 weeks instead of providing weekly updates and giving the sheep hope.
    Conservative Premier in Ontario keeps locking down further and further and essentially acting like a liberal.

    Fuckin Kraft Dinner eating Pussies!

  2. RadioMattM: 101% correct.

    Remember, the bureaucracy stays the same. The assholes love the attention & power etc. I have directly from Rob Ford’s (former Mayor of Toronto) widow that Rob would not have played along!

    He has tasted power and now secretly thinks he has a chance to be Prime Minister. The way he let down conservatives, cannot appease liberals and socialists (you never can) he is done next election.

    Unreal how many RINO’s in the world as Demos & Big Tech have not even waited to totally suspend free speech, thought & Rights.


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