Canada: Police decide not to break up 500 person Airbnb party, citing ‘safety concerns’ – IOTW Report

Canada: Police decide not to break up 500 person Airbnb party, citing ‘safety concerns’

PM: Over the weekend, Police responded to a massive party at an Airbnb in western Quebec that violated public health regulations placing limits on party sizes. Still, there were too many attendees for officers to break it up.

According to CTV News, busloads travelled from Ottawa to a rental cottage in La Pêche along the Gatineau River. Residents called the Police to the area Saturday night, where they estimated around 500 people attended the cottage. Under current public health regulations in Quebec, parties are limited to 10 people indoors and 20 people outside.

Police said they could not hand out the $1,500 fines associated with breaking the regulation, citing “too many people.” Sgt. Martin Fournel, a spokesperson for the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais, said, “There was a safety concern for the officers. Half a dozen officers against, you know, 500 people — we don’t want to put oil on the fire.”

“Unfortunately, we had to identify positively, like all those individuals with a piece of ID, which was physically impossible to do that evening,” he said. The party is the largest illegal gathering he has heard about since the onset of the pandemic. read more

13 Comments on Canada: Police decide not to break up 500 person Airbnb party, citing ‘safety concerns’

  1. There you have it. Our parties, PTA protests and MAGA rallies just need to exceed 500 people. Problem solved.

    Given our current political climate, that shouldn’t be a problem.

  2. Lemme guess… The attendees were either faggots or Muslims, and, therefore, no subject to the same made up “laws” as everyone else in regards to the “pandemic”.

  3. “Residents called the Police …”

    “Informers called the Police …”

    Fixed it for ya! Pimp out your neighbors and friends to the GESTAPO:
    be like Geo. Soros!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Airbnb property owner is going to be strung up as an example to others. And some cops will be fired expeditiously, also as an example to others. And the next Airbnb party of 21 people will be met with a battalion of stormtroopers.

  5. “There was a safety concern for the officers. Half a dozen officers against, you know, 500 people — we don’t want to put oil on the fire.”

    There’s safety in numbers, they can’t get us all! We saw the officers flinched when confronted by Antifa and BLM. Same will be with the mob fighting for freedom.


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