Canada: Police say cow being skinned alive in halal slaughter is “NOT ANIMAL CRUELTY case” – IOTW Report

Canada: Police say cow being skinned alive in halal slaughter is “NOT ANIMAL CRUELTY case”



Geller Report: Yesterday I reported on a horror video that surfaced of Muslims skinning a cow alive – halal slaughter in Canada. The cow is seen moving and clearly in excruciating pain.

Police say the skinning of a cow shown on a video circulating online is not being treated as an animal cruelty. Islam trumps all.

Canada: Police say cow slaughter caught on video in Ontario town not animal cruelty case

Police say cow slaughter caught on video in Ontario town not animal cruelty case

By Staff The Canadian Press, August 30, 2018:

Premier Doug Ford said Wednesday that the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture would investigate a video showing a cow being skinned in Milton.

MILTON, Ont. – Police say the skinning of a cow shown on a video circulating online is not being treated as an animal cruelty case but the incident is being probed to ensure food safety regulations were followed.

Halton regional police say the cow appeared to be dead at the time of the events shown in the video, contrary to what many people asserted after viewing it.  MORE

Warning: There’s a video at the link you may not want to watch.

Where are you PETA b^tches?

Where are the leftist anti-animal cruelty groups? Have the Muslims got your tongues?

16 Comments on Canada: Police say cow being skinned alive in halal slaughter is “NOT ANIMAL CRUELTY case”

  1. How is skinning a cow alive not considered to be animal cruelty? Where’s PETA when you need them? Crickets, nothing but a bunch of damned crickets chirping that there’s nothing to see here. Even Dudley Do Right could understand that this is animal cruelty pure and simple.

  2. Eff these mothereffers. They have no place on this earth, and I will not respect their demented culture no matter how much that little faggot muslim Obama tells us we have to. Good thing he doesn’t live in his home country, he would already have been thrown from a roof.

    Would one of you effn lefties out there tell me why banning people from countries that condone this is bad?

  3. “How many light bulbs are lit?
    Four? No! We say it’s three. your eyes are wrong. Hit him with the electricity again.
    How many light bulbs are lit?
    Four? NO! Hit him again.
    How many light bulbs are lit?
    You will love Big Brother!”
    Canada is dead to me.
    Even cows deserve not to suffer
    I hate those Muslim bastards

  4. Muslims also go to farms to buy an animal, cut the animal’s throat as they are standing there. They’ll refuse to pay the farmer and walk away, leaving a suffering animal with the farmer. This EID shit isn’t about slaughtering an animal and eating it. It’s just to slaughter an animal.

    Do you even want to ask how ‘Halal’ works?

    These people are sick in the soul.

  5. @MJA, why being armed on your own property at all times is a good habit. Restrain and call the police and prosecute with zeal, if said prosecutor can be found.

    BTW, today marks the 14th year since moslems decided to jack an entire school at Beslan.

  6. Now, I know the answer from conservatives (who love the taste of jackboot, in the role of law morning), but for the terrorists (according to conservatives) reading this, “Do you really ‘hate’, actually hate, the idea of ISIS’ ‘creative’ executions of the ancien régime? When they take over?”. Really? No golden airlift retirement, for kith, kin, and king… to some tropical paradise, with no extradition treaties. No immunity… for public healing. If given the choice, you filthy terrorists, between ISIS, more of the same, and the conservatives’ “We’re not more of the same”, because that’s what’s in our incorporation documents, exactly “We’re not More Of The Same™”, so it’s right there, in writing… who gets your golf claps?

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