Canada: Proposed Law May Allow Life Imprisonment for Online Speech ‘Crimes’ – IOTW Report

 Canada: Proposed Law May Allow Life Imprisonment for Online Speech ‘Crimes’

Breitbart: A proposed law in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Canada will reportedly allow judges to throw adults in jail for life if they advocate for genocide online.

Fox News reported Thursday that the Online Harms Act (Bill C-63) would permit life sentences. The article also said, “The law would also allow a provincial judge to impose house arrest and a fine if there were reasonable grounds to believe a defendant ‘will commit’ an offense.”

After Justice Minister Arif Virani introduced the bill, he said that in his role as a father, he was frightened of the dangers children might encounter online.

Virani also said there were laws regulating the safety of toys but not screens. more

15 Comments on  Canada: Proposed Law May Allow Life Imprisonment for Online Speech ‘Crimes’

  1. This law was proposed by a “Justice Minister” and not Turdeau himself.
    Just like we would just blame the little kenyan faggot for all the evil that happened (under his rule, yes), it is unwise to dismiss ALL the little dervishes that thrive in Goobermint, hidden as ‘public servants’.

    Just as unwise as to specifically “all demonrats” as the agents of evil when there are so many back-stabbing fake conservative “republicants” who have hidden well behind the blue/red, donkey elephant bullshit for morons that they’ve ‘played’ us for FOR DECADES!!!

  2. Genocide may not be advocated unless you are a member of a protected (favored) group.
    – Palestinians, for example, are simply ignored…

    Yes he was jailed for life, but for reasons unknown, he exercised his suicide option…
    Ropes, electrical cords, belts and shives are kept in an open bin in the exercise yard.

  3. Especially if one advocates for the genocide of Canadian Liberals. Anybody brave enough to do that will spend the remainder of his miserable life breaking rocks in an open pit mine on Baffin Island.

  4. In Canada, Karla Homolka and her husband raped, tortured and murdered 3 women including Homolka’s 15 year old sister. She was sentenced to just 12 years in prison.

    Life in prison for speech crimes? Do better, Canada

  5. The proposal only works if Canada builds an Internet wall.

    Otherwise, people like me can waltz into a Canadian website and commit a lifetime offensive comment at the drop of a hat!

    Heh. Blame Canada. What a bunch of fricken morons! It’s time for your Revolution, Canada. You’ve never had one!

  6. If y’all want to invade, I have Bourbon, Scotch, Beer, Charcoal, Meat & I make AMAZING Pastas.

    Look for the house with the F@CK TRUDEAU Flag & Betsy Ross Hanging in front of the garage to piss of My LIBERAL PARTY of CANUCKISTAN volunteer across the Street. LITERALLY

    ps. Did I spell Y’all correctly, I’m still learning M’erican

  7. @ Clown World,

    2 detective buddies of mine were on that case & both said the Homolka was way scarier than her husband Bernardo & that SHE was the Planner/Hunter.

  8. @Kcir: Yeah. And she married the brother of her lawyer and then worked as a volunteer at an elementary school. Like, HOW? How is this allowed to happen? Are there no background checks? Why aren’t parents in that community up in arms? What major mental defect must a man have to marry such a creature as this?


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