Canada Touts How ‘Assisted Suicide’ Is Providing Human Spare Parts. So Hurry Up and Die, Already. – IOTW Report

Canada Touts How ‘Assisted Suicide’ Is Providing Human Spare Parts. So Hurry Up and Die, Already.


The death-cult bankrolled by George Soros promised us when they pushed “assisted suicide” that there’d be no killing people for spare parts. But Ottawa, Canada, just gave up the game.

The Ottawa Citizen newspaper puts some pretty, pretty pink lipstick on the correlation between doctors committing “assisted suicide” and the sudden plethora of spare human body parts for those needing organ transplants.

The headline tells it all: “Medically assisted deaths prove a growing boon to organ donation in Ontario.”

The story begins with how virtuous Canadians are who “off” themselves with a doctor’s help. MORE

10 Comments on Canada Touts How ‘Assisted Suicide’ Is Providing Human Spare Parts. So Hurry Up and Die, Already.

  1. My Canadian uncle Ed was apparently one of those clamouring for the right to die with dignity and to be an organ donor. When the authorities came to drag uncle Ed to the hospital for his final visit, he demonstrated that he had the strength needed to be a good organ donor by gripping the stair bannister as tight as he could and yelling “I want both my kidneys and my eyes. I want to live.” Of course, the Canadian authorities told us that uncle Ed was somewhat delerious and meant to say “I want both my kidneys and my eyes to go to a needy person” and “I want to live in the afterlife.” An understandable intepretation, eh?

    Of course, I had no idea a pulled hamstring was a terminable condition, but if you can’t trust a progressive politician, who can you trust?

  2. From the Twitter rebuttal section in the original article. Bears repeating here. “I’m going to have to hide my special needs child someday, aren’t I?”

    I’m looking at mine right now. Healthy miracle child except for neurological issues.

    They will have to come through a wall of bullets, my MamaBear fists teeth nails rage and tears to the very end.

  3. I plan on living to such a ripe ancient age that all my body parts will be useless to anyone else.
    The Red Cross already doesn’t want my blood. I spent too long in Europe, so the RC sez “I may be contaminated with CJD (Cruetzfeld Jacobs Disease)/”mad cow” prions”. Even though they have yet to develop a test for it.

  4. Liberalism: you are just a thing to be used, manipulated, discarded.

    -black inner city voters
    ~the unborn
    ~the old and sick
    ~the disabled

    Whatever they need you for, they’ll manipulate and squeeze everything out of you, and when you are no longer useful, they’ll discard, bully, harass, and ruin.


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