Canada: Trudeau Government Will Expand Unemployment Payments, and Subsidize Canadian Industry – IOTW Report

Canada: Trudeau Government Will Expand Unemployment Payments, and Subsidize Canadian Industry

CTH: Today Canada released an updated list of retaliatory tariffs designed as countermeasures to the U.S. Steel and Aluminum tariffs [SEE HERE] which will begin Sunday, July 1st.

Additionally, Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains, and Employment and Labour Minister Patty Hajdu, announced they would initiate an emergency program to use Canadian taxes compensate workers, expand unemployment benefits, and subsidize impacted industry.  Yes, in a transparent display of political ideology (throwing capitalism directly out the window), Canada doubles-down on centralized government subsidies to offset market impacts.   Brilliant ‘eh!  MORE

14 Comments on Canada: Trudeau Government Will Expand Unemployment Payments, and Subsidize Canadian Industry

  1. This is what happens when a Beta reacts to an Alpha…

    An Alpha/Potus that knows what he is doing. A Smart guy from QUEENS as opposed to a Canadien douchebag


  2. benito!! tha.a.a.a.a.a.ts funny

    canada doesnt have the tax base does it? so basically we can be looking a Venezuela North if theses chuckleheads stay in power.

    Canada is where on the wealthiest nations graph? 24th?

  3. WOW! Compared to a Trump talk with workers hanging around, this group looks like they are hanging around the death bed of a relative, listening to doctors blowing BS about how the dying guy is going to jump up and dance anytime now. Very telling.
    One of the best dog and pony shows I’ve seen.

  4. Trudeau is running scared and trying to act like the big dog. If Trudeau the Younger goes ahead with this it likely violates a bunch of the rules of NAFTA giving Trump more reason to to either call for more concessions or cancelling NAFTA altogether. God, what an idiot. We have one more year to go with this bar bouncer and his handlers at the helm before we can destroy the Liberal Party at the polls just like we just destroyed the Ontario Liberals.

  5. Canadian media were sooooo proud of Trudope for standing up to the bully Trump (albeit he was a safe 2000 miles and 35k feet in the air), they completely glossed over the sweet G7 socialist agreement (actually G6) he committed to fund macrame birthing hammocks for entrepreneurial women in Burkina Faso.
    Hope canadians learned from this experiment and can hang in until a new election, otherwise get used to subsisting on pocket lint.

  6. I wonder how the rank and file Canadian voter feels about using tax dollars to subsidize impacted industries? So Canada is going socialist, eh? Somewhere in Canada is a Trump like politician that is going to blow Trudie out of office, and it can’t happen soon enough for Canada.
    Trudeau, the poor bastard, got into a battle of wits with no ammo.

  7. Canukada is having a difficult time retaining its long-held ‘Stupid Country of the Week’ status what with stiff competition from Germany, England, France, Mexico, Sweden, etc but this decision will give them at least one more week in the spotlight, EH!


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