Canada: Trudeau swarmed again in Ontario, protestors throw gravel and debris at prime minister – IOTW Report

Canada: Trudeau swarmed again in Ontario, protestors throw gravel and debris at prime minister

Post Millennial –

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was swarmed by protestors Monday during an election campaign stop in London, Ontario. He said he “might have” been hit by gravel as dozens swarmed to vent their frustrations.

As Trudeau left the event, some of the protestors cursed the prime minister supposedly for his government’s COVID health measures and vaccination requirements.

“F*ck you!” shouted a woman angrily at least five times.

Others appeared to throw gravel and debris at Trudeau, forcing his RCMP detail to hold up their hands as he got on his campaign bus. The small projectiles also hit some media members, but none reported any injuries, reported Global News. Read more

22 Comments on Canada: Trudeau swarmed again in Ontario, protestors throw gravel and debris at prime minister

  1. “Punished? Fire and smoke, comrade, I should think so; I have been flogged till the bones of my back stood through the quivering flesh; I have been picquetted, tied neck and heels, or sent to ride the wooden horse, and to endure other punishments which are now abolished in the king’s service. An officer once tied me neck and heels for eight and forty hours—ay, damme, till I lost my senses; but he lost his life soon after, a shot from the rear killed him; you understand me, comrade; ha, ha, ha! ho, ho, ho! a shot from the rear.”

    James Grant

  2. “Hell and Tommy?” roared the Wooden-leg, “no—but you shall hear. I was batooned by the lieutenant; then I was tried at the drumhead for causing a false alarm, and sentenced to be tied neck and heels, and lest you may not know the fashion of this punishment I shall tell you of it. I was placed on the ground; my firelock was put under my hams, and another was placed over my neck; then the two were drawn close together by two cartouch-box straps; and in this situation, doubled up as round as a ball, I remained with my chin wedged between my knees until the blood spouted out of my mouth, nose, and ears, and I became insensible. When I recovered my senses the troops were forming in column, preparatory to assaulting Fort San Lazare; and though almost blind, and both weak and trembling, I was forced to take my place in the ranks; and I ground my teeth as I handled my musket and saw the lieutenant of our company, in lace-ruffles and powdered wig, prepare to join the forlorn hope, which was composed of six hundred chosen grenadiers, under Colonel Grant, a brave Scottish officer. I loaded my piece with a charmed bullet, cast in a mould given to me by an Indian warrior, and marched on with my section. The assault failed. Of the forlorn hope I alone escaped, for Grant and his Grenadiers perished to a man in the breach. There, too, lay our lieutenant. A shot had pierced his head behind, just at the queue. Queer, was it not? when I was his covering file?”

    James Grant

    It’s fiction, of course.

  3. Notice that whatever was thrown was of no real significance. I am willing to bet that it is a false flag operation just to show how evilllll Conservatives are and we need to re-elect Fidel Jr. in order to preserve the Dominion.

  4. I get to cast my advance ballot this coming Friday. I’m not waiting until the election date (Sep 20) because I don’t trust the feckless bastards not to implement a “vax requirement to vote mandate” just in time for election day.

    I’ll be grinning like a fat Cheshire cat the day this useless sack of communist shit gets to never occupy the halls of parliament again.

  5. The History of the World has been altered by a thrown stone – the Battle of Plataea, for instance, which lost the Persians any further hope of success in Greece was precipitated by some unnamed Greek soldier, in (apparent) utter rage and despair, cast a stone which struck and killed Mardonius, kinsman of Darius, Great King of Kings.

    We can only hope that Canada’s History will be changed in a similar manner.
    (seeing as the Canadians were foolish enough to disarm themselves)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Tim
    SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 AT 11:56 AM

    “(seeing as the Canadians were foolish enough to disarm themselves)”

    …we make much about having a ‘right to bear arms’ in the States, but considering that the government gets transaction records when we buy a serialized weapon, gets to decide if we’re worthy to have one at all based an a piece of paper we are required to fill out that may be used to track and trap us later, gets to decide what kind of weapon, how many bullets, and what accessories are allowable for peasant use, requires permission slips they can disapprove to let you carry one, and is so set up to put you in jail if you even dare use one to defend yourself that you have to mount an affirmative defense to try to prove YOUR OWN innocence, that I’m pretty sure that everyone is WAY to cowed to actually do what the 2A was DESIGNED to do and turn those guns on the SAME government we’ve shown such weapon fealty to, at least in quantitiy to actually make a DIFFERENCE, so the fact that we “have guns” doesn’t really differentiate us from the Canucks or Aussies too much if we’re afraid to ever USE them…

  7. Well, in about two weeks we’ll know whether we need to start building a border wall and vetting stations on our N border – assuming, of course, that we ever again elect some people who give a damn about our Nation and our security. O’Toole sounds just barely more sane than Turdeau

  8. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS,
    I did not imply that we were any less foolish.
    But – BUT – if you own a gun (and have ammunition) you can overcome your fear of using it in the proper circumstances – if you only have gravel – welllllllll.

    izlamo delenda est …


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