Canada: University Of Alberta Returning $30,000 Donation To Yaroslav Hunka’s Family – IOTW Report

Canada: University Of Alberta Returning $30,000 Donation To Yaroslav Hunka’s Family

Blazing Cat Fur: The University of Alberta is returning a $30,000 donation it received from the family of Yaroslav Hunka, saying it regrets any harm it may have caused by accepting the endowment in his name. more

6 Comments on Canada: University Of Alberta Returning $30,000 Donation To Yaroslav Hunka’s Family

  1. At least they are saying sorry & doing the right thing.

    Turd Boy Still accepted NO REAL responsibility & shared the Blame with EVERYONE again. (All of parliament)

    Just like he shared the blackface thing with All of us, “layers of systemic white Privilege” or something like that. Canuck Honkies had NOTHING to do with it.

  2. This demonstrates the shallowness of the stream of knowledge we’re playing in at the moment. Think if you will of a thousand years of history in that part of the world, not even events, just the quantity of events unknown to anyone but the protagonists of the time.

    The warriors from the west came through to destroy the enemies to the east. That was the choice at the time. The enemies to the east have been a problem for centuries and the western army looks like it may eliminate them. Which horse is the strong horse?

    This shallowness is expressed in the current conflict in (so far) Ukraine. It is exposed in the reaction of the institutions to the man branded nazi in this case. When the war comes to the sheep they must choose, they will not be allowed to remain neutral, and they will choose the strong horse as they see it at the time.

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend, at least for the moment. On a historical scale WWII was just another wave of war washing over the land, much like the current war that as we can see excites the sheep’s passions today.

    The people may be sheep, the leaders are supposed to think harder, it’s obvious they’re not, either because they can’t, they won’t, or there is a larger goal obscured to us that they pursue. Much like when Hunka made his decision we have to make our own based on whatever knowledge we have at the time.


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