Canada: Why the Liberals may as well scrap their carbon tax – IOTW Report

Canada: Why the Liberals may as well scrap their carbon tax


When future historians retrace the rise and fall of carbon taxes in Canada, they may well conclude that last week was the point at which policy’s decline became irreversible. That’s because it was the week when the Trudeau Liberals gave up insisting that a carbon tax is the best way to fight climate change.

There’s really no other way to interpret Environment Minister Catherine McKenna’s pledge not to raise carbon taxes beyond 2022. The pledge came in response to a Parliamentary Budget Officer report, which concluded the federal carbon tax would have to rise from the planned $50 per tonne in 2022 to $102 per tonne by 2030 for Canada to meet its Paris Agreement emissions commitments..

The PBO’s analysis simply cannot have been a surprise to the Liberals, least of all for McKenna, whose own department had warned her back in 2015 that carbon taxes would have to be much higher to work.

In an alternative history where the Liberals believed their own argument on the virtues of carbon taxes – the one they’ve been making for the last three and a half years – McKenna’s response would have been: we’ll raise it as high as it needs to go.

We all know why she didn’t. There’s a federal election in four months. The Liberals are struggling in the polls. One need not be a master political strategist to know that an overt pledge of future tax hikes is unlikely to improve their chances of re-election.

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9 Comments on Canada: Why the Liberals may as well scrap their carbon tax

  1. I’m from Toronto and we are already dealing with price inflation everywhere for multiple reasons but this shit certainly doesn’t help.
    Trump- Great leader vs. Trudeau- Great big asshole
    Candace Owens- great mind vs. Catherine McKenna- Air head
    USA- reduce red tape vs. Canada- adding bureaucrats
    exporting oil vs. landlocked oil
    no carbon tax vs. Forcing a carbon tax

    That’s why I haven’t bought a Canadian stock in 3 years and choose to buy the USA all the way to the fuckin bank doctor!

  2. progressives: tax the productive to give the non-productive enough free stuff to enslave them into a lifetime of dependency, ensuring their support & keeping the progressives in power

    Huxley warned us in 1932, Orwell warned us in 1948, ‘The Matrix’ warned us in 1999.
    of course, we’ve been warned since Plato … but, it is the human condition (curse) to continually devolve into Universe 25

  3. Funny, if they wanted to reduce CO2 production all they had to do was copy USA and produce more natural gas! Of which they have plenty!

    True leftism: insisting that we must do everything we can (except Leo diCaprio of course), while refusing nuclear power, natural gas, even hydroelectric in favor of windmills and solar farms which are obviously inconsistent. And then saying you are horrible for even questioning their ‘science’.

  4. Sorry, Left coast Dan, but the products of combustion from natural gas CO2 & H2O (carbon dioxide & water) I’m a heating & air guy. Check google

    However, I don’t believe for a second that carbon dioxide should be considered a pollutant or greenhouse gas.

    It is to trees, as air is to humans, perfectly symbiotic. Ultimately, vegetation on the planet takes up more volume on the planet than humans.

    By the way, real greenhouses are allowed to use carbon dioxide generators to increase crop yields. that makes no sense if it is bad for the enviromment.

  5. Well, it’s a good place to visit right now. The exchange rate is favorable to the US dollar. Everything you buy has a 20% discount figured in, as long as you pay in Canadian currency or use a credit card. The credit card companies will auto refigure your bill in US currency. If you pay $100 CD on your credit card, your bill will recalc it at around $75 or $80 USD.

  6. The Canadians are hostage to the left just as we are struggling here to shuck the domineering restrictions imposed by the jug eared wonder and his henchmen.
    This is the result of people falling victim to emotional impulses when voting and being suckered.
    Placing power and control in the hands of any leftist is a guarantee of smothering restrictions, limited freedoms and eventually shackles.

  7. Everyone here knows just how close we came to a very different and dark future. Trump is giving this country another chance but only a chance. Complacency is a free people’s undoing.


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