Canada: Woman born without hands kicked out of bookstore for not wearing a mask – IOTW Report

Canada: Woman born without hands kicked out of bookstore for not wearing a mask A Vancouver woman who was born with no hands was kicked out of an Indigo Chapters bookstore location for not wearing a mask. When attempting to explain her medical disability exemption, staff threatened to call the police.

Elisabeth Walker-Young is a four-time Paralympic swimmer. She was denied entry to a Vancouver Indigo location for not wearing a mask. Walker-Young is physically unable to put on a mask because she was born with no hands, according to Global News.

The Order of Canada recipient said, “When I am out with my daughter or my husband, they will help me put on a mask. But when I am out in the world independently, I just can’t do it.” more

21 Comments on Canada: Woman born without hands kicked out of bookstore for not wearing a mask

  1. I use the “medical exemption” excuse for not wearing a mask when confronted. They are not allowed to inquire about your medical “condition”. (I am allergic to bullshit.)

  2. There was a day when some ignorant lout or loutess would volunteer to help the lady don a mask. Today, we are enlightened and call the harness bulls to arrest such dangerous threats to everyone’s health and safety.

  3. Sue the fuck out of Heather Reisman & Indego books. Super rich libs.

    Their biggest draw is a Starbucks in almost every store and her stores tend to rent out of a lot of her husbands properties as well.

    She was just whining a few months ago about job losses at her company due to CV19.


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