Canada’s Pretty Prime minister Forced To Backtrack On Open Borders – IOTW Report

Canada’s Pretty Prime minister Forced To Backtrack On Open Borders

The recent influx of illegal refugees flooding across the border into Quebec is proving to be an immigration wakeup call for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Mass Of Illegals Forces Trudeau To Backtrack On Open Borders

20 Comments on Canada’s Pretty Prime minister Forced To Backtrack On Open Borders

  1. How many elections have been won by people {mostly women&gays} because they found the candidate attractive? Never a thought about how stupid the clown is.

  2. must be all those hollyweird types leaving the USA. Trudie’s decisions on immigration will affect us in the future. We’re gonna need a north wall too. And lots of ammo.

  3. Hey Justy how do you like all those rejects from America? You know the ones that
    yearn to be free (to get free stuff) and to contribute their fair share (of mischief making)!

  4. Isn’t it amazing, according to the rest of the world, that the only country that shouldn’t have any border controls or immigration policy is the United States of America! We are Number 1!!!!!!!

  5. He was a substitute drama teacher and a snowboard instructor before he was Prime Minister and he has great hair. What else does one need to run a country?

  6. Fake news got the Haitians to panic and head north into Quebec? Maybe we should try some more fake news. En Espanol. “Dateline, Wash DC, PDJT has commandeered all Amtrak trains for a planned nationwide roundup of illegal aliens. Crossings from Brownsville TX to San Diego CA are standing by to repatriate millions of Mexicans and South and Central Americans in the US illegally. The National Guard has been called up to maintain order at the crossings. The repatriation effort will be so intense and focused that ICE claims it will be finished by Christmas when regular Amtrak service will be restored. Western Union receipts have been levied heavily to pay for trains, agents’ overtime and National Guard expenses. In a related story, the Labor Dept announced a dip in unemployment on the announcement that ICE was hiring 175,000 temp and part-time agents.” Win, win aaaaand win (were it true). It would be fun to see who and how many bolt hearing the “news”. The libs’ reaction would be absolutely precious and classic.

  7. Haitian “refugees” swarming Quebec? They’ll form “no go zones” with all the signage in some foreign language, and defiantly insist that the rest of the country… What? Oh… Ça ne fait rien.

  8. This must have hurt this ex bar bouncer and Castro admirer a bunch. I suspect that the next federal election (no later then 2019) probably forced his backtracking on this problem. The federal Conservatve Party just elected a new leader but he has yet to seriously challenge Trudeau on anything. With luck that only means he’s getting the lay of the land first as polls show that Trudeau and the Libs are vulnerable on just about everything.

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