Canada’s Speaker of the House Resigns over Honoring Nazi Soldier in Parliament- Trudeau Hides – IOTW Report

Canada’s Speaker of the House Resigns over Honoring Nazi Soldier in Parliament- Trudeau Hides

Breitbart: The Speaker of the House of Commons in the Canadian parliament resigned on Tuesday after taking responsibility for celebrating a 98-year-old Ukrainian who served in a Nazi-controlled unit in World War II during a reception for President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Announcing his resignation as speaker, Liberal MP Anthony Rota said per public broadcaster CBC: “I have acted as your humble servant, carrying out the important responsibilities of this position to the very best of my abilities. The work of this House is above any of us. Therefore, I must step down as your Speaker,” Rota said at 2 p.m. ahead of Tuesday’s question period.

“I reiterate my profound regret for my error in recognizing an individual in the House.”

The resignation came hours after Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government called on him to step down on Tuesday morning. Rota has attempted to take the blame for inviting Waffen SS soldier Yaroslav Hunka to the Parliament, where he was given a resounding round of applause and a standing ovation from the entire house, including from Prime Minister Trudeau and President Zelensky. more

12 Comments on Canada’s Speaker of the House Resigns over Honoring Nazi Soldier in Parliament- Trudeau Hides

  1. The Speaker of Parliament is not like the Speaker of the House. As I understand it, he is there to maintain parliamentary (small P) procedure. Also, if I am not mistaken, there is more than one person who acts in that role.

    If that Nazi was hono(u)red as a hero in the Canadian Parliament, it is because Justin wanted him honored as a hero in the Canadian Parliament.

    I can hope that the Canadian people will have had enough of him by the time he has to call an election by the end of next year. Unfortunately, all it takes are the population hubs in Ontario and a couple of other places along with the NDP lapdogs and Justin is in for another five years.

  2. Benito,

    They can’t have an election YET because the 3rd Party (NDP) led by Jagmeet Singh is propping up the Turdo Government. Together they can pass any laws they wish.

    I call him Jack Meat Sing. He jacks Turboy’s Meat & he sing’s right along with the WEF.

    The calendar election is about 1.5 years away. Still plenty of damage to be inflicted on Canuckistan by these 2 Assholes.

  3. I see American asking why Canadians don’t vote Trudeau out.

    There is only ONE federal election in Canada and they happen when the PM calls one. There are no regularly scheduled elections. Not counting obvious causes such as death or serious infirmity, there are three basic reasons foe an election:

    1] The PM thinks he is riding so high that he is a shoe-in. That is what Justin did in December, 2019 (I think it was). I don’t think that would work now,

    2) The PM in such a weak position that he fails or look like her would fail a vote of confidence. With the NPD being such a lap dog, that is not going to happen any time soon.

    3) In the absence of 1 or 2, the PM can go up to five years without calling an election. Canada is stuck with Justin until the end of next year. Before that time, the CBC (which is government supported anyway) and the MSM (including the CBC over and above the normal subsidies) which are financially supported by the government will be portraying Justin as The Messiah.

    There are no mid-term elections. There is no way to vote in more opposition members until an election is called.

    No one votes for the PM. He is the leader of the party that controls Parliament. The only people who vote for him are those in live in the PM’s home riding (district).

  4. RadioMattM,

    Very well expressed & detailed.

    The Little ASS-HAMMER MUST Call an election On or Before Oct 20/2025.

    HOWEVER, In cases on a EMERGENCY “OR OTHER DISASTER” the CEO (Chief Elections Officer) “could in certain circumstances postpone an election” [sect 59 elections act]
    — Its open to interpretation —

    Who knows, maybe escalating a WAR, declaring another Pandemic, Global Warming, a Trucker/Farmer Protest, could all be used by the little N@zi Cawk Sucka to stay in power.


  5. Poland wants the Nazi Back for prosecution and their Ambassador Was ANGRY on TV last night.

    He was also stating that the mood back home is changing as the cost of aiding Ukraine by Poland has been VERY HEAVY.

    “We gave 300 Tanks to Ukraine, Canada Gave 8”

    Source: CTV NEWS Toronto w/Host Vassey Kapelos – Who WAS with the COMMUNISTA GOVERNMENT CBC Before, but is now on Private MSM which is NOT MUCH BETTER. She looked surprised that CANADA GOT CALLED out on MANY ISSUES.


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