Canada’s Trudeau dodges Saudi oil question at Regina Town Hall. Here are the facts he missed – IOTW Report

Canada’s Trudeau dodges Saudi oil question at Regina Town Hall. Here are the facts he missed

A woman at Trudeau’s Regina town hall tried to stump the chump when she asked, “Why are we buying oil from Saudi Arabia, Mr. Trudeau?”

It’s a good question.

Why is Canada, the country with the third largest oil reserves in the world, still buying oil from Saudi Arabia, a place that routinely hangs gay people and stones women in the streets?

Trudeau never did answer her question. Instead, he scolded her about getting her facts straight before telling her that Quebec doesn’t get oil from Saudi Arabia.

He’s not exactly wrong about Quebec weening itself off conflict oil, but that didn’t happen because of anything Trudeau did.

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7 Comments on Canada’s Trudeau dodges Saudi oil question at Regina Town Hall. Here are the facts he missed

  1. I moved to Regina almost 5 years ago. Love seeing the epicenter of Canada (also known as the capital of Canada’s deplorables) in the news so much. You might want to listen to the Arrogant Worms Pirate on the North Saskatchewan River – I love the line “And Screw the GST!”


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