Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program Has Paid Out Nearly $7 Million In Claims Since December 2020 – IOTW Report

Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program Has Paid Out Nearly $7 Million In Claims Since December 2020

Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) has paid out nearly $7 million in claims since it first launched, according to updated bi-annual records.

7 Comments on Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program Has Paid Out Nearly $7 Million In Claims Since December 2020

  1. Left unsaid is how many were refused, and that no payout can equal a lifetime of suffering or the loss of a loved one, especially since the whole thing was DEMOSTRABLY UNNECESSARY IN THE FIRST PLACE…

  2. …also, there is enough ambiguity deliberately kept in these deaths that SOME will never evensk4 it to REQUESTING compensation. Doctors don’t consider vaxxx status while treating problems, coroners won’t research vaxxx status as a possible proximate cause, and even with young heart attack deaths reach around for distant links to ancestors who may have had congenital problems before they ask anyone if the kid was vaxxxed…or simply throw up their hands and call it “idiopathic” or -my personal favorite- “Cardiac Arrhythmia of Undetermined Etiology”.

    Which is a highfalootin way of saying “We don’t know and we don’t care”.

    …and, wittingly or unwittingly, victims and their families help them. Some are ideological true believers that would NEVER fault their Communist masters even as they stand before the ovens, but most people are simply unwilling or eben unable to accept the demostrable FACT that their governments and doctors are deliberately poisoining them for profit and politics.

    Because if EVERYONE believed that, a revolution would be REQUIRED.

    And few have the stomach for that.

    …so we continue down the path of rational ignorance, accept the 30 pieces of silver for our loved ones, and keep pretending our goverments don’t want us dead even as we see the invaxxxed replacement population being brought in to supplant the deceased.

    Because even acknowledging the problem. let alone fixing it, is simply too scary…

  3. S-I-L heart attack – 5 stents, lucky to be alive (age 60ish).
    Her 3 yr old grandchild diagnosed with cancer, currently receiving chemo. There will be surgery.
    Other grandchild born w birth defects, conceived after parents v..x..d
    All v..x..d.

  4. Why in the world would they have to pay out $7 million for a jab that is 100% safe, 100% effective, and with 0% side effects??? Hmm, it must be a rounding error, probably 99.99999% safe&effective. Certainly Turdeau would never admit otherwise.

  5. @ Dadof4
    Sadly there is currently a rift in the family (not over vax) so we do not know. We do know they were early vaxxers. SIL was anti but Did it for work purposes.
    That work never transpired. Younger generation got caught up in the hype and would never admit it I’m sure. So very sad.


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