Canadian Conservative Leader And Possible Next PM Is A US Citizen – IOTW Report

Canadian Conservative Leader And Possible Next PM Is A US Citizen

Since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the election on Sept. 11, Scheer has run a largely successful and scandal-free campaign and is currently leading Trudeau in all polling.

Daily Caller:

Canadian Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, who hopes to replace Justin Trudeau as prime minister in an Oct. 21 federal election, is a United States citizen.

Scheer’s father was born in the U.S. and obtained dual citizenship for all his children, the Globe and Mail reported Thursday. The Conservative politician has two sisters who live in the U.S.  Both are registered Republicans, the Globe and Mail noted.

When asked Thursday why he had never mentioned his citizenship status, Scheer told a media scrum “Nobody’s ever asked me before,” according to CTV News. Scheer’s election campaign director of communications told the Globe and Mail that Scheer is in the process of renouncing his U.S. citizenship. However, Scheer did not begin that process until this August, even though he became the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada over two years before that, in May 2017.  read more

8 Comments on Canadian Conservative Leader And Possible Next PM Is A US Citizen

  1. hehe, are they in for a treat. after he wins, were going to assimilate canadia into the americas. it will then become our 51st state. then all incoming migrants will be shuttled here for quarantining while they wait for deportation.

  2. He should have started renouncing his US citizenship the moment he decided that he wanted to run for Parliament. There are way too many problems with a Canadian PM having dual citizenship and having to deal with his other country. You can bet this will become an issue in the last few weeks of his campaign.
    Anonymous is correct. There should be no dual citizenship. The the choice should be made on the persons 18th birthday.

  3. @scr north

    I agree with that. The US does not recognize dual citizenship, at least it did not the last time I checked. A person must be loyal to one country only.

    Ted Cruz gave up his Canadian citizenship before the last election and Sheer should give up his US citizenship.

    But I am hoping Scheer wins the upcoming election. It will be great for Canada to kick out the soy-boy.


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