Canadian Court to dad: Your daughter isn’t a girl – IOTW Report

Canadian Court to dad: Your daughter isn’t a girl

ONN: A Canadian father has been told to bury the truth and go along with the world.

The Supreme Court of British Columbia has found a father guilty of “family violence” because he refuses to refer to his 14-year-old daughter – who suffers gender dysphoria and wants to be a boy – as a male. According to a report by The Federalist, Justice Francesca Marzari said the father had engaged in “expressions of rejection of [her] gender identity” because of his choice to continue to affirm – in public – that she (identified in court records as “AB”) is a girl.

“This Court has … determined that it is a form of family violence to AB for any of his family members to address him by his birth name, refer to him as a girl or with female pronouns (whether to him directly or to third parties), or to attempt to persuade him to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria.” (Source: Court Docket E190334, April 15, 2019)

 Dr. Charles McVety, president of Canada Christian College, argues “there’s nothing more immutable” than a person’s gender.
“You cannot change your gender, you can’t change your chromosomes, you can’t change your genes,” he tells OneNewsNow. “But our society has lost its collective mind.”  MORE

15 Comments on Canadian Court to dad: Your daughter isn’t a girl

  1. The judges are as mentally dysfunctional as the girl. More so actually since they’re adults with more mature brains & more education. Though it’s possible the education is what screwed up their ability to think clearly.

  2. Henceforth, I have no respect for that judicial body.
    They acknowledge the existence of gender dysphoria, then ignore it. Abandoning basic biology, they assert it is the child’s right to determine it’s gender. They thereby also assert that someone, in this case the parents, cannot determine the gender of another person. Then they go ahead and do just that.
    This sets a precedent of the court acceptably being able to determine the gender of someone. The next step is making that determination without consent of both parties. That would be a medical/biological assignment, which they are not qualified to make. And isn’t that what Doctors do at birth?
    Biology is dying- it is being transformed into an art from a science, and we are all becoming a ‘clump of cells.’

  3. British Columbia is Canada’s California and frankly it’s not like crap like this hasn’t happened in the US. At least your President is working to fill vacant Judge seats with actual law abiding Judges whereas the half-wit leading out country is spending his last months in office still trying to derail our country by having his Cabinet appoint people like this social justice advocate (self described) to the bench. I hope the bitch is around when the child, say about 10 years down the road, falls into a deep depression and kills themself which is far more more likely the outcome then living happily ever after.

  4. Gender dysphoria is a serious mental illness.
    This court has made it illegal to disagree with the delusions of a 14 year old mentally ill person.
    That court is a sham

  5. SCR, you know the judge wouldnt g.a.s. and thankfully God gave us Trump. Hopefully Canada will get its savior too

    None of this is about the kids, its about a demonic agenda. Its the destruction of the family, the destruction of trust and of morals.

  6. Totaltarianism in canada and in britain is quiet, but real. And it’s the world’s goal for America.

    The left is traming up with islam to achieve it, worrying about their battle with the islamists for later – after they have taken the nation.

    We are at war, my friends.

  7. Little did I know that Bushes appointed judges in Canada. For those too poor to pay attention “the Wise Latina” was put on the Fed Bench by the first progressive Bush GHWB. Like liberal father like leftist son!


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