Canadian Doctors: Why Not Take Organs From Live Assisted-suicide Patients? – IOTW Report

Canadian Doctors: Why Not Take Organs From Live Assisted-suicide Patients?

New American-

Canadian doctors, having accepted the country’s assisted-suicide regime, are now considering whether to harvest organs from euthanasia patients before they have died, The Federalist reported Wednesday.

The doctors reason thus: Organs are normally removed from a donor as soon as possible after death to ensure they are in the best possible condition for transplant. If organs were removed from a live person, they would be in even better condition. And if that patient is about to die voluntarily anyway, what’s the harm in killing him by taking his organs? more

20 Comments on Canadian Doctors: Why Not Take Organs From Live Assisted-suicide Patients?

  1. I can’t decide if this means we should want to stay as far as possible from making Canada the 51 state or if it means we should just invade and conquer them to get rid of this mentality. Because it’s just downright insane. 😧

  2. Be sure to use one of them cattle captive bolt guns on them before harvesting the organs…
    and maybe even the meat for the Uncle Bosie experience!

    Guaranteed this philosophy will spiral out of hand if allowed to happen!

  3. So long as your harvesting the organs of your murder victims, why not “harvest” their financial assets for the “public good”??

    Once you break one of God’s Commandments, what difference does it make?!

  4. They will be urging healthy people to off themselves. It will be a two for one scenario.
    Remove yourself to save the planet and give your organs to politically correct organizations to sell. The possibilities are endless.
    Families could urge their useless relatives to sell their body parts to pay off the mortgage.

  5. So you go to a doctor…..

    and the doctor convinces you…..that in your terminal state……“assisted-suicide regime” and organ donations…..are in your best interest…..and his best financial interest…..because the doctor has contacts…..that’ll buy you organs…..

    Nice scam……by nice doctors.

  6. “Why Not Take Organs From Live Assisted-suicide Patients?”

    …because its fucking MURDER FOR PROFIT, you unethical, immoral, satanic cocksuckers.

    This is why you NEVER let them devalue ANY human life.

    Because pretty soon they consider them ALL worthless.

  7. @ SNS SATURDAY, 11 JANUARY 2025, 11:36 AT 11:36 AM

    Progressivism = Marxism and Dialectical Materialism is integral to Marxism. Marxism is the theory. Progressivism is the means of implementing the theory. Satanism is the motivation.

  8. It won’t be long before the Canademons reauthorize capital punishment. And it won’t be long after that that convicts awaiting execution will be parted out instead of getting the needle. And the final step will be legislating the death penalty for littering, jaywalking, and criticizing the regime.

  9. Just to clarify the entire procedure, it would be advisable to volunteer every advocate, politician and supporting doctor for the procedure first, and see how effective this is.

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