Canadian Economy Halts – IOTW Report

Canadian Economy Halts

CTH: The Canadian government shocked the professional financial and economic media with their latest fourth quarter GDP release showing the economy has essentially come to a grinding halt at 0.1% growth.  [Compare to U.S. GDP growth of 3%]

The Canadian Q4 GDP growth isn’t one percent, it’s one-tenth of one percent: 0.1%, essentially halted; but everyone discussing this is missing something very important.  MORE


12 Comments on Canadian Economy Halts

  1. If Mexico and Canada would wise up and petition vote to become part of the United States it would solve a lot of problems. Unfortunately, it would create even more. We would save a lot of money on border fencing though.

  2. This is more fodder for the coming destruction of the Liberal Party of Canada. The Conservatives also have to answer for some decisions the made in the area of trade it’s not nearly the millstone the Liberals have to carry around. If the Conservatives take power in a big way expect them to actually start stripping away a lot of environmental BS put in by the Libs, markedly change the tax code and make the country business friendly (really friendly not just bullshit tag lines). The interesting thing is that they’ll get support from all facets of the population because nothing changes your outlook faster then losing your job.


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