Canadian Government Moves To Block Freedom of Speech in Effort to Prop-up Justin – IOTW Report

Canadian Government Moves To Block Freedom of Speech in Effort to Prop-up Justin

CTH: Under the auspices of making moves to block election interference from outside interests the government of Justin from Canada is moving to block internet content critical of Trudeau and his policies.

Simultaneously and ironically, the same Canadian government is spending millions lobbying U.S. politicians in Washington DC to retain their one-sided NAFTA trade benefits.  Funny that, eh?

CANADA […] Among other things, the government wants to do more to ensure foreign actors or money aren’t involved in elections, require more transparency for political messaging on social media and prevent political parties from setting up ostensible advocacy groups to support them and help skirt spending limits.

[…] Among the options:

  • Require the publishers of online content to identify themselves;
  • Make internet companies legally liable for the content that appears on their platforms
  • Require platforms to clearly identify “bots,” automated social media accounts used to amplify messages;
  • Reintroduce a non-criminal remedy to investigate and respond to hate speech, along the lines of the anti-hate provision of the Canadian Human Rights Act, repealed in 2013 amid concerns it muzzled free speech;
  • Require much greater transparency for political advertising on digital media;
  • Design a “meaningful” way for Canadians to consent to the collection and use of their individual data, which would also apply to databases amassed by political parties.


6 Comments on Canadian Government Moves To Block Freedom of Speech in Effort to Prop-up Justin

  1. A large difference between “subjects” and “free citizens.”
    The Canuks will eat shit and like it – cuz that’s what their leaders tell em to do. We’re moving in the same direction (see: New York, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Vermont, Rhode Island, &c.).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Trudeau is a loser.
    Canada was as bright in electing him as America was in electING that fraud Obama.

    Canada will pay the price. Unless there is a DJT in the wings, they are toast.


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