Daily Caller:
A man suffered severe injuries early Tuesday after defending his wife from a polar bear attack on his driveway in Canada, police said.
He leaped onto the polar bear to prevent it from mauling his wife, causing serious injuries to his arm and legs, the Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service said in a statement posted on Facebook. The victim is expected to recover.
Reports of gunfire drew police from the Fort Severn First Nation detachment to the residence, according to law enforcement. Police were also alerted of a potential bear sighting in the vicinity. more here
Gunfire, Canada. Impossible.
Who gets the hide?
Never marry a woman that can out run you.
The three rules of bear attacks:
Brown: Lie Down
Black: Fight Back
Polar: It’s over
I thought Polar Bears went extinct from glowbull warming years ago. Or was this the last one?
He’s lucky it was a white bear. If it was a black bear he’d be going to jail because it got killed in the fight.
Polar bears at the town dump in Canada is the equivalent to raccoons in our trash cans.
PETA demands charges be brought against the bear murderer;
The bear was unarmed.
The bear was part of a disadvantaged pack, shunned by the reginal bear community because his skin was a shade darker than all the others.
No attempt was made to reason with the bear, to put yourself in his shoes and understand his lived experience.
The bear was hungry because man has affected his ecosystem and infringed on his hunting territory.
Bears are cuddly, and the wife was obviously one of those MAGA fascists.
He was just smelling your bear…
Are you sure it wasn’t just offering you a Coke?
“Mitchell, Smokey the Bear is a lot more intense in person.”
Big question is: When will the JT team prosecute the neighbor that shot the bear?
I know a good man and husband is expected to protect his wife and children.
Any chance of that requirement being set aside in the case of a polar bear attack?
A polar bear will make a bloody mess out of anything that stands between it and its dinner.
Trust Me, someone will eventually get around to charging him with CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.