Canadian pastor, son spoke out against lockdowns. Now, they’re kicked out of Conservative Party – IOTW Report

Canadian pastor, son spoke out against lockdowns. Now, they’re kicked out of Conservative Party

March 10, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A Canadian pastor and his son who have been outspoken in opposition to COVID lockdowns have allegedly been stripped of their Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) memberships.

According to a report in the Western Standard, Pastor Henry Hildebrandt, along with his son Herbert, of the Church of God in Alymer, Ontario, were recently told their party memberships were revoked.

“We’re conservative. We have a conservative lifestyle overall. Most people that attend us dress conservatively,” Herbert Hildebrandt told the Western Standard. “The party revoked both his and my membership, refused to provide reasons beyond referencing the general reasons why they can do so, [for instance] conduct unbecoming a member, etc. I appealed and the decision was upheld by the executive.”

Henry Hildebrandt and his son have been vocal opponents of government-imposed COVID-19 lockdown measures, along with others from his congregation.

Several members of the Church of God have received fines for defying the local health orders. Herbert was also charged with obstruction of justice in December of 2020. read more

11 Comments on Canadian pastor, son spoke out against lockdowns. Now, they’re kicked out of Conservative Party

  1. A “Conservative” in Ontario is like a “Republican” in Massachusetts.

    BC has no Conservative Party, at least to speak of on the Provincial level. The Provincial conservative party in BC is, believe it or not, the Liberal Party.

  2. The head conservative party guy has zero personality and agrees with the current PM on stealing taxpayer money for carbon taxes and redistribution of provincial funds. Not much of a conservative. Be like voting for a liberal or a commie. Some choice.

  3. The Conservative Party in Canada is like a Democrat from 30 years ago in the US. They were never as conservative as a Reagan Republican but a bit to the right of Kennedy. They are busy purging the party of traditional conservatives in the hopes of swinging votes from Turdeau. It will not work.

    They are acting exactly like RINO’s in America.

    The last few times they called me for a donation I told them to


    I actually look forward to their calls now.

    Our next election WILL be a TURD Majority as there are 2 conservative parties now which will be enough to split the Right again.

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