Canadian premier has nothing constructive to say, so she bashes herself – IOTW Report

Canadian premier has nothing constructive to say, so she bashes herself


What did Kathleen Wynne mean by ‘old white people’?

Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne seems to be in panic mode these days. She and her Liberal Party are low in the polls, occasionally dipping into “Elvis territory.” In other words the percentage of people willing to support the Liberals is about the same as those who think the King of Rock and Roll is still alive.

The election of Doug Ford as leader of the opposition PC Party seems to have driven Wynne further into a frenzy. When that happens to politicians they sometimes do the unfathomable—they blurt out the truth. Ford made it clear if he forms the government the PCs will do away with the carbon tax currently in the party’s platform. This led Wynne to say 40,000 government jobs will be lost without the revenue from the tax. Wynne admitted what we all know; the carbon tax has absolutely nothing to do with reducing carbon emissions and climate change. It is just a cash grab to fund, among other things, Ontario’s bloated civil service.

Speaking to a group of Humber College students, many of whom were non-white, the premier urged them to go out and vote. She told the students, “If you don’t vote, then someone who looks like me is going to vote, some senior person, older than me, some white person.”

At first blush it seems the premier was simply engaged in white-bashing. Trashing white people, Christians and Jews to the extent it can be done without appearing too anti-Semitic is a favourite pastime of the left these days. She was just engaging in identity politics as the left also likes to do when they are devoid of anything constructive to say.

That is all well and good except for the fact she threw in age as well as race and this combination leads to another possible interpretation of the premier’s comments.  more here

10 Comments on Canadian premier has nothing constructive to say, so she bashes herself

  1. What’s troublesome is that there are large swathes of people that find no wrong in this abusive garbage she spews. There are a lot of stupid and selfish people out there who encourage scum like her.

  2. Liberals have long assumed they will seize power as soon as the “old people” die off. They fail to consider people become more conservative as they age because most eventually see what a failure the liberal agenda is.

  3. Don’t old white people vote regardless if young dark and dumb people vote? Does Canada have a limit on votes – the first 100,000 to the polls get to vote? If so then young people would have the advantage of being faster.

    I guess she meant old white people would make the decisions for them – the same old white people who probably regret putting her in office.

  4. Said it before and I’ll say it again, any white person who promotes anti-white hatred should either jump off the nearest building or wait to be tossed off, because many have had enough of this fucking bullshit. Goddamn white leftards are just sick fucks, worse than BLM.


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