Canadian ‘Srebrenica Genocide Denial Law’: When Even the Truth Is No Defense – IOTW Report

Canadian ‘Srebrenica Genocide Denial Law’: When Even the Truth Is No Defense

Geller Report: The Srebrenica genocide denial law is coming up for a parliamentary vote in Ottawa. Given the climate of opinion, unless this bill is strongly and competently opposed, there is little doubt about the outcome.

It was not a genocide. There was a war of Muslims against Christians, and the Muslim war crimes were just as egregious as the Serbs’. That said, it’s really a question of free speech and criminalizing opinion. read more

5 Comments on Canadian ‘Srebrenica Genocide Denial Law’: When Even the Truth Is No Defense

  1. The libs never miss a chance at taking a shot at christians. On top of that they get the double benefit of their usual phony moral posturing.
    This is the kind of crap they dream up when they want to avoid doing the uncomfortable work of making decisions.

  2. I’m more interested in the Ron Brown Arkancide than the alleged Srebrenica Genocide. That whole Kosovo debacle as just a mess of screw ups and lies. Bombing the Chinese embassy, getting our stealth fighter shot down, Wesley Clark anything, Hillary corkscrewing in under sniper fire…not our best military and diplomatic work at all.

  3. Canada, for all it’s beauty, economic freedom, and natural resources, has unusually repressive views on free speech and free expression, in many instances more onerous and antiquated than Europe.

    Eternal vigilance is required for those that value free speech, the leaders don’t like the criticisms.

    “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”

    ― Benjamin Franklin


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