Canadian woman takes ex to court for $4,500 she paid during their relationship – IOTW Report

Canadian woman takes ex to court for $4,500 she paid during their relationship

Daily Hive: A woman in BC sued her ex-partner with the aim of reclaiming over $4,500 after paying for items and services for him while they were in a romantic relationship.

In a BC Civil Resolution Tribunal case, Leslie King said she wanted to be reimbursed for a gaming computer, tooth extraction, tires, and tools she had bought for Anthony Orel.

However, the respondent, Orel, denied he was responsible for paying King back. He claimed he already repaid her for some items and added other purchases she made for him were gifts.

According to the civil claim, King provided a credit card statement as evidence, which proved she had purchased a gaming computer in November 2020.

Orel admitted King paid for the computer for him but said the couple agreed he’d fix King’s vehicle in exchange. King didn’t deny this but said Orel didn’t complete the work on the vehicle, and it later broke down and had to be “scrapped.” more

11 Comments on Canadian woman takes ex to court for $4,500 she paid during their relationship

  1. The arbitrator, a woman, split the judgment right down the middle, so the dude gets off 50 cents on the dollar.

    If he is smart and learns a lesson from this then twenty-three hundred bucks is a small price to pay.

    Unless you are fairly sure you are going to marry this woman, living together is a recipe for disaster.

  2. this judgement is just another erosion of the sanctity of marriage

    she has no ‘right’ to be reimbursed for anything …. she gave, he accepted … end of story. they have no contractual obligation to one another at all!
    if I’m sitting on the street corner, strumming my guitar, & some person walks by & throws a buck in my case, am I obligated to them … of course not.

    living w/ a ‘partner’ is nothing more than saying, “sure, I can live w/ you …. until a better deal comes along”.


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