Canadian Worker Stuns Justin Trudeau by Calling Him Out to His Face – IOTW Report

Canadian Worker Stuns Justin Trudeau by Calling Him Out to His Face


This is why horrible failed leftists like Kamala Harris always stage their events. They hate being exposed.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently brought donuts to a group of construction workers in an attempt to make it look like he supports the common man.

It backfired tremendously.

One worker told off Trudeau and left him stunned when he confronted him, telling him, “I don’t believe you for a second.”

The worker then opened up on how expensive everything is for his family.

And, then he told Trudeau that he’s gonna lose the election.

12 Comments on Canadian Worker Stuns Justin Trudeau by Calling Him Out to His Face

  1. “All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players;
    They have their exits and their entrances …”
    (Bill Shakespeare)

    Just a shame Turdeau (as well as Biden and Harris) didn’t make a permanent exit …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. He said he’s got a good job.

    I’m guessing he doesnt any more.

    Communists are VERY vindictive and easily offended.

    He will have that man and his family persecuted to their graves.

  3. Tim – FJB
    Monday, 2 September 2024, 5:30 at 5:30 am

    I prefer the Rush version, and they are more appropriate anyway, being Canadians and all…

    “All the world’s indeed a stage
    We are merely players
    Performers and portrayers
    Each another’s audience outside the gilded cage”

    …RIP Neil Peart (2020). Never did get to see them in concert, and now I never shall..

  4. That is why they closed a popular Savannah restaurant. Management told all the patrons they had to leave because of a closed event. Kamala’s bus and a second bus drove up with a camera crew and actors to play patrons in the restaurant. They were there almost an hour. You can’t believe anything you hear or see from the demosocialists.

  5. “Stunned”? More like 30 seconds in which some guy said something and no one actually cares.

    It doesn’t become “news” because of Gateway Pundit clickbait words, which invariably disappoint: “blasted” “humiliated” “devastated” “frantic” “nervous” “desperate” “destroyed” “begging” “historic” “massive” “shut down” “slammed” “warned” “dismantled” “insane” “truth bombs” “tragic” “nightmare” “cornered” “irate” “incredible” “brutal” “struggling” “ignited” “exposed” “threatened” “disgraced” “trainwreck” “outraged” “shocking”…

  6. I have went to Montana Valley Hams and paid nearly $200 out of my own pocket to bring back a ham for the Street Maintenance crew, and their supervisor paid out of his own pocket to finish out a meal that rivals that which worthless politicians and appointed officials set themselves up with ON THE PUBLIC DIME daily. When one of the guys ask me why, I told them that I just wanted you guys to know that I think of you often and really appreciate when you have gone above and beyond. I want you to know how much that means to me. Fucking donuts paid for with money he stole from those very same guys. The worthless bastard is worse than a piece of shit. He is adding insult to contempt to injury and hell is what he deserves and he’ll realize that.

    But you know who is worse? Every last fucking progressive/Marxist/Satanist who cast a legitimate ballot for him or any single one of his fellow progressive/Marxist/Satanist politicians. That’s who.


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