‘Cancel everything’: LA mayor enacts total shutdown – IOTW Report

‘Cancel everything’: LA mayor enacts total shutdown

Well… Except for Hollywood.

PML: Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti told Los Angelinos in a public address on Wednesday night that “…it’s time to cancel everything” as coronavirus cases continue to climb in the county.

Garcetti tweeted “The new year brings hope—for vaccines and for stopping this pandemic. But here’s the truth: we’re in for a long, hard winter. As the worst hits up, stay home as much as you can. Cancel any non-essential activities. Hunker down, LA. We’ll get through this together.”

“Our hospitalizations have more than tripled and are at a new peak. And, our deaths have nearly doubled, and they continue to rise,” Garcetti said.

“These numbers don’t reflect last week’s record breaking numbers, they don’t reflect yet the ‘Thanksgiving effect’ of time spent with families, when many people were gathering and traveling in defiance of public health warnings.”

The order also states that, with some exceptions such as buying food, obtaining medical care and going to other essential businesses like automobile service “…all businesses within the City of Los Angeles are ordered to cease operations that require in-person attendance by workers at a workplace.”

Businesses like Hollywood film production are allowed to remain in operation. Many of the city’s recreational activities remain open, such as beaches, parks and public golf courses.

The new order also says that travel whether by foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, car or public transit is prohibited, with exceptions for specific activities. more

24 Comments on ‘Cancel everything’: LA mayor enacts total shutdown

  1. Six months ago: We’re going to flatten the curve!
    Three months ago: If we all just wear masks we can drive this epidemic to the ground!
    Now itz Hunker down… meanwhile these politicians do exactly what they tell us not to do!

    15 Signs You Are In An Abusive Relationship:
    1. Stops you from seeing friends and family.
    2. Won’t let you go out without permission.
    3. Tells you what to wear.
    4. Monitors your phone and emails.
    5. Controls your finances.
    6. Controls what you read, watch, and say.
    7. Monitors everything you do.
    8. Punishes you for breaking rules that keep changing.
    9. Tells you the abuse is for your own good.
    10. Pretends to know better.
    11. Doesn’t allow you to question.
    12. Tells you that you’re crazy and no one agrees with you.
    13. Calls you names and shames you.
    14. Gaslights you, attempting to change your memory of events.
    15. Plays the victim when things go wrong.

    If all this sounds familiar, you might be in an abusive relationship with Big Government under COVID-19 tyranny.

  2. This is what happens when a politician doesn’t have to worry about getting reelected. He’s stopped caring what the people think because the democrats count the votes and always “win”.

  3. Safe! 🙂

    I have been watching the numbers go up in LA County. I also discovered this report from LA County of Health a couple of weeks ago, which is updated weekly. Of particular note is page 2, which although showing a bit of the drop the last 2 days has otherwise been consistent – and the COVID hospital numbers have supposedly been going up for 2 weeks!
    I also found page 7 interesting – over 70% of hospitalized COVID patients in LA are Hispanic, about 1% white. This makes sense, a doctor friend mentioned it about 3 months ago and that Hispanics tend to cram a lot of people into a single apartment or house.

  4. There is no flu this year because everyone is taking precautions – wearing masks and social distancing. Pretty much zero.
    Also, COVID-19 is getting out of control because not everyone is taking precautions – wearing masks and social distancing.

  5. Word on the street is that California border counties are importing Mexican citizens that have the Chy-Na flu for treatment. Win-win: Help those in need, inflate the numbers and continue forward with the oppression.

  6. TRF, if you are going to copy something from another link you should provide the link as a courtesy to the author, just good form. I saw this list yesterday;


    Of course it’s spot on.

    Newsweek (yeah, Newsweek, go figure) gave us a list of all the phonies (so far) that have broken their own lock down edicts;


  7. Newsom hasn’t totally lost his mind;


    “Outdoor activities that are encouraged:

    Go to a park
    Go to a beach
    Go on a hike
    Go on a bike ride
    Go fishing
    Do yoga, meditate
    Take your dog on a walk
    Do an outdoor fitness class
    Go on a run with your partner
    Go skiing, snowboarding, sledding”

    So far the tennis courts at my community park remain open. That and I got my rowing machine last week. I know the progs would like us more docile,pliant, and fat, sorry, ain’t happening.

  8. The federal government is about to pass a $908 billion covid relief bill (Pelosi wanted a $2 trillion bill). How soon the money can get to small business owners, who knows?

    Years from now historians will write about the diabolical scheme perpetuated by swamp creatures, fomenting mass hysteria over fabricated covid numbers, then instituting despotic unconstitutional lock downs, all for the purposes of wrecking a heretofore vibrant economy so that in the end the government would ride in with saddlebags of cash to alleviate the suffering. The government gets bigger, the people get weaker, budgets are blown up, and we are all reduced to being Oliver Twist ,”Please, sir, I want some more”.


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