Candace Owens: ‘What Kaepernick & Nike Are Advocating for Is Segregation’ – IOTW Report

Candace Owens: ‘What Kaepernick & Nike Are Advocating for Is Segregation’

“People may not realize it but what Colin Kaepernick & Nike are advocating for is segregation.

“They are telling black people that the American flag is not for us and that we need something “separate but equal” to represent us.

“They are reintroducing segregationist mentality.”


16 Comments on Candace Owens: ‘What Kaepernick & Nike Are Advocating for Is Segregation’

  1. Koepernick had maybe 25 million in his bank recently….he’s pissed away Nike, he’s not good enough to play NFL football again….He’s got crap in his hair, dirt down his undies and he might be part Airdale…He will be broke and living with O.J. by 2020ish…..

  2. It’s more than segregation. It’s abnegation. If they don’t like something, nobody can like it. Remember all the racial healing that was supposed to come with the banishment of the confederate flag? Just a click in the ratchet.

  3. The negroes have always advocated segregation – just segregation on their terms.
    They demand the “right” to drink in any bar they choose, but Heaven help any white guy who decides he wants to have a drink in Club Zambezi.
    They want their “little Africa” in every American city but want Uncle Sugar to pay for everything.
    They actively support the nihilistic socialists because of the (empty) promise of free muscatel and TV – uninterrupted by a job.
    $15 per hour and a college degree – free of charge and free of effort.

    Pay me! Cuz you OWE me! For some slavery that you didn’t propagate and I didn’t suffer! But you OWE me cuz … well … just CUZ! Or I’ll burn my own shit down!

    Now the moslems, mexicans, fags, feminazis, and millennials have attached themselves to the bandwagon.

    Lazy worthless shits of the World – UNITE!
    You have nothing to lose but your lazy worthlessness!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Listen to popular music from sixty years ago. Watch footage of Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech. In spite of there being Jim Crow laws in large swaths of this nation, blacks and whites both listened to the same music and wore the same clothing styles. From outward appearances, it seemed that there was an effort to unify and get along.

    Fast forward ten or twenty years. What do you see? Deep, distinct differences in music, clothing, culture, work ethic, sense of justice, etc… Jim Crow may have gone away, but another sort of “law” took its place.

    But one thing didn’t change — the people who benefitted from there being a divide between the races sixty years ago are still benefitting from that divide today.

  5. Leftists wreck everything. They love no one but themselves.

    Someone has to wise up the stupid peeps. But who??

    (hint: it ain’t Krappydick–nor, Nike.)


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