Candidate Biden to New Hampshire Woman: “You’re a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier” – IOTW Report

Candidate Biden to New Hampshire Woman: “You’re a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier”

Wow! Get the butterfly nets. Dip them in chloroform, first.

Conservative Treehouse: During a townhall today a young lady introduced herself as Madison, an econ student at Mercer University in New Hampshire. Ms. Madison asked Joe Biden why he did so poorly in Iowa considering he carries the highest profile of all Democrat candidates.

The former Vice-President replied by asking the lady if she has ever attended a caucus.  She replies, yes.  Then things get weird as Biden says:

…”No, you haven’t.. you’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier”…


h/t Chiggerbug 

39 Comments on Candidate Biden to New Hampshire Woman: “You’re a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier”

  1. Too bad he’ll not be the dem candidate. An insult contest between he and Trump would be hilarious!

    I wonder if Biden knows that one about “your mother wears combat boots”, or “make like a tree and leave, or is that lief”.

  2. Joe is so agitated lately, even a fluff question will set him off.
    I just saw on a poll (that gathers poll numbers from across the country) that biden is still 5 points above the other dems. lol

  3. does Delaware have ‘red-flag’ laws? ’cause there’s a seriously demented 77-year-old running around calling people names, telling everyone how he let little kids feel his legs & sit on his lap, yelling while gesculating wildly & popping his dentures out of his mouth, calling people “Buddy Boy”, “lying dog-face” & threating to “take them behind the gym & give ’em a whoopin’!”

    … & he owns a shotgun & has threatened to use it … C’mon Man!

  4. At least he didn’t call her a clamlapping ankle biter?

    She asked a softball question. Imagine how Uncle Bad Touch would react if he got, say, the treatment Face The Nation gave Lindsey Graham this morning.

    He’s done. They only kept him around for the impeachment BS. It’s over for him. He can’t even run for dog catcher now.

  5. It truly is wonderful to see the pressure finally getting to him. Thank you very much impeachment, hunter, and President Trump.

    A few more weeks of this and he will start painting the walls with feces.

  6. Waaaaaait a second…… dims are passive aggressive. This is how Biden is slamming Elizabeth Warren. It sounds vaguely like a Native American insult….the skirt who got zinged looked like Warren…

    I dunno’ man, ol’ Joe aint bright enough to come up with that on the fly. I’ll bet someone else’s wooden nickle that this was meant for Fauxcahauntus.

  7. Kevin R. FEBRUARY 9, 2020 AT 8:36 PM
    Imagine Biden as President in important talks with America’s friends and enemies.


    I leave here in six hours. . .

  8. What next?
    I wash born here, an I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin bushwackin, hornswaglin, cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter.

  9. Creepy Joe got so excited about a young woman asking him a question, he took his jacket off. He expected his million dollar smile would be enough to charm the pants off her, but “dang nabbit & horse feathers” she didn’t take the bait.


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