‘Can’t Beat Me Fair and Square’: Trump Rips Biden for Weaponization of Justice System – IOTW Report

‘Can’t Beat Me Fair and Square’: Trump Rips Biden for Weaponization of Justice System

Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump ripped President Joe Biden at Thursday night’s debate for weaponizing the justice system against him.

After the debate moderators brought up the topic of January 6, Trump directed viewers’ attention to his multiple indictments under the Biden administration.

“What happened to the United States reputation under this man’s leadership is horrible, including weaponization, which I’m sure, at some point, you’re talking about, where he goes after his political opponent because he can’t beat me fair and square,” Trump said. 

8 Comments on ‘Can’t Beat Me Fair and Square’: Trump Rips Biden for Weaponization of Justice System

  1. Trump was perfect tonight. I’m pretty sure he bit holes in his tongue. He was non argumentative and let Brain Dead Joe commit political suicide on National TV.
    According to FOX News the DNC is already talking about replacing him, if he agrees. To funny. Doc Jill’s not going to agree.

  2. …and after President Trump made this point, Pedo McFraud Shitpants followed it up by gloating about future political prrsecutions of President Trump still to come.

    …someone is sending a message, but Im not sure its Pedo…

  3. I have some relatives and know some others that would never vote for Trump just because, but I bet they have many doubts now, If they watched that debacle of Biden….They should have known Biden was an idiot for 40 years if they paid attention and they should have been able to see what loser’s Obama and Hillary were and are….They didn’t though and probably won’t this time either….The only hope is a free and fair election with little to no voter fraud….

  4. …always remember that every man who signed the Declaration of Independence was considered a felon by the tyrannical government for the crime of opposing it…

  5. They’ve been hiding Biden forever. The entire nation finally got to see what we’ve been seeing all along.There’s no way even the hardest sycophants could put lipstick on this pig.


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