Cantor Is Back And Fighting For DACA Citizenship – IOTW Report

Cantor Is Back And Fighting For DACA Citizenship

Quelle Surprise

DC:Former Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor openly called for full citizenship for anyone under the Obama administration’s DACA program Sunday.

“It is well past time for Republicans to stand up to those on the right who are quick to denounce any sensible solution as amnesty and for Democrats to stand up to those on the left who rail against any meaningful steps toward border security and immigration enforcement,” Cantor wrote in a New York Times op-ed Sunday.

SNIP: Ah the NY Times. Because that’s his base. 

The DACA program was started by President Obama in 2012 and protects roughly 800,000 illegal immigrants who arrived as minors from deportation.  more here


Cantor was thinking- “I’m gonna come over there and kiss you SO HARD!”

11 Comments on Cantor Is Back And Fighting For DACA Citizenship

  1. Never thought I’d agree with Eric Cantor. About anything. But, he’s right.

    It is well past time for Republicans to stand up to those on the right who are quick to denounce any sensible solution as amnesty

    It is a tactic of the Democratic Party to call white black, and men women. The Republicans should never accept calling the mass deportation of hundreds of thousands of foreigners “amnesty”.

  2. The Democrats and RINO’s like Cantor always call capitulation a “sensible solution”. Cantor seems to forget that he was fired by his own constituency for being a weak-kneed squish. I guess he thought people will have fogotten by now.

  3. We never get an answer, re those DACA “kids” who would be sent back to a “strange” country where they might not even know the language:

    Where, right now, are their parents who brought them here?

  4. Turd that he is, he floated up, revealing his true self, and was flushed out of office. He wasn’t flushed down enough apparently, because he floated up again. That’s what turds do.

    America will never be great again until this entitled political class is truly despised by all for what they do to all of us.

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