Capitalism is not racist. – IOTW Report

Capitalism is not racist.

Capitalism gets a bad rap because so many people want power over us. Here’s the Simple Truth.

7 Comments on Capitalism is not racist.

  1. Even though I completely agree with what he is saying, this will never get any traction. Not because it isn’t true, but because it goes against the indoctrination that most have undergone.

    However, we still need to keep fighting. Do not give in. Do not submit. Pass this on to as many people as you can.

  2. Everything not controlled by liberals must be controlled:

    Free speech
    Boy Scouts
    Public schools

    It must be taken over, or smashed and replaced with their control levers.

    When you decided not to fight for the nuclear family and said, “Ah let the gays get married, who cares, it’s not worth being called a bigot” is just another inch given to moral decay.

    When decency standards are shredded over song lyrics t.v. and in movies, another “freedom” was given to be corrupting.

    Republicans and Conservatives talk a good game, but don’t pull the levers of power correctly, don’t have the stomach for pressure politics, won’t show up at their home to scream in their face.

    Hence, you do what the liberals tell you to do and then whine about it later.

  3. I have shared this quote before:

    “The essential quality of a market system, contrary to popular thinking, is not that it promotes greed; but rather, that it renders greed harmless.” – Israel Kirzner

    The capitalism that is dangerous is the capitalism tied to government cronyism. In fact the ‘plandemic’ is a perfect example, as the big companies prosper and the small ones fail – all because the government acts in favor of the larger companies.

  4. Capitalism in its essential form is an emergent behavior of a free market, and free markets in essential form are an inherent aspect of individuals acting in a social environment.

    Today, what we call capitalism is so heavily regulated by govt that it is no longer connected to free market behavior, and the benefits of entrepreneurial capitalism are largely lost. Today’s capitalism has become the enemy of free markets just as today’s govt has become the enemy of free individuals.

  5. No such thing as “capitalism.”
    The whole concept of “Do what you like with your own money” was perverted by Karl Marx and turned into a “straw man” to deconstruct.
    He combined the more nefarious aspects of feudalism, mercantilism, and colonialism to construct his notion of “capitalism” in order to have something to rail against – to promote a tyranny based on lies.
    We ceded the whole concept of “Do what you want with your own money” when we accepted the 16th Amendment and now talk (even as Sarah Sanders did last evening) of the gov’t “allowing” us our Liberties. The 16th Amendment surrendered our money (the fruits of our labor) to the gov’t. We fell for this monstrosity because of our greed and the mendacities of the promoters – it was offered to the public as will “never affect but the top 1/2 of 1% of income” – a blatant lie sold to the envious by the mendacious.

    Now we’re stuck. Until such time that we decide to throw off the yoke of oppression and decline to suffer liars to prosper at our expense (or exist).

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I was just thinking about some of the low paying,nasty jobs I went through as a young man. Each job was a stepping stone,a learning experience that prepared me for the next. I was always looking out for a better job and would jump at the chance to get one. The saying hard work and persistence pay is true and in my mid thirties I found a job that payed well and I loved. I think one of the problems with young people is their lack of patience and willingness to go through the lean years of struggling that build character and success. They want everything their parents have now and are not willing to work for it. Some of them think socialism will give them the things they want with little effort. They really should study the countries that practice it, perhaps that would open their eyes?


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