Capitol Hill businesses sue Seattle over handling of CHAZakhstan – IOTW Report

Capitol Hill businesses sue Seattle over handling of CHAZakhstan

Dozens of Seattle businesses claimed in the suit that “the City’s policies have effectively authorized the actions of the CHOP participants.”

SEATTLE — A collection of Seattle businesses, property owners and residents is suing the city over its tolerance of an “occupied” protest zone, saying officials have been complicit in depriving them of their rights to their property.

The plaintiffs, including a tattoo parlor and auto repair shop, emphasized in the lawsuit filed Wednesday that they were not trying to undermine the anti-police-brutality or Black Lives Matter messaging of the “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.” 

“This lawsuit is about the constitutional and other legal rights of Plaintiffs—businesses, employees, and residents in and around CHOP—which have been overrun by the City of Seattle’s unprecedented decision to abandon and close off an entire city neighborhood, leaving it unchecked by the police, unserved by fire and emergency health services, and inaccessible to the public at large. The City’s decision has subjected businesses, employees, and residents of that neighborhood to extensive property damage, public safety dangers, and an inability to use and access their properties,” the lawsuit reads. more here

14 Comments on Capitol Hill businesses sue Seattle over handling of CHAZakhstan

  1. The Mayor and all the city councilmen should be prosecuted as well for dereliction of duty and intentionally placing the citizens they took an oath of office to protect in harm’s way!!

  2. This is awesome.
    President Trump’s approach to this is perfect – deflect all responsibility to the a-holes who allowed this to escalate.

    PS – I LOVE tying “President Trump”!

  3. Anyone in Seattle (for any length of time) knows what to expect from Seattle.
    No surprises.

    This will help to enrich lawyers and punish the taxpayers for crimes committed by parasites at the instigation of the elected to cow and control the taxpayers.

    The Insurance companies (which means us) will get fucked.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. JDHasty,

    It will be hard for him to sue something/someone that he doesn’t believe exists. The bad part of this story is that this thug is still alive. Someone is a piss poor shot.

  5. I read somewhere this morning (and now can’t find it) that their Dear Leader, RAZamatazamajazz, told CHAZIANS to “go home and vote for the revolutionary Biden.”

    That is almost funny.

    They must be getting the “all done” signal from their financiers.

  6. Wow !!!
    Any one could have predicted that would happen.

    Wait for it…
    The elected officials can be criminally charged and or sued as co-conspirators for any crime committed or loss incurred during the Rebellion, that they refused to address or request help in addressing.

  7. The United States has already established government immunity, as precedent. The United States has already established no requirement of enforcement, as precedent.

    What do these kulaks expect to achieve?

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