Capitol Police Serves AOC up a Little Reality as She Continues to Freak out and Attack Them – IOTW Report

Capitol Police Serves AOC up a Little Reality as She Continues to Freak out and Attack Them

Red State:

As we previously reported, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was mocked by comedian Alex Stein, who made comments about her “booty” as she passed by him going up the Capitol steps. She later had a meltdown over it, saying that she had intended to “deck” him, and blasting the Capitol Police for–in her estimation–not protecting her/doing anything about it.

On Wednesday evening, Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “I posted about a deeply disgusting incident that happened today on the Capitol steps, but took it down bc it’s clearly someone seeking extremist fame.”

“It’s just a bummer to work in an institution that openly allowed this, but talking about it only invites more. Just really sad,” she added. The congresswoman subsequently posted video of political satirist Alex Stein mocking her as she walked near him on the Capitol complex.

She commented, “Here is a video he posted of the incident. I was actually walking over to deck him because if no one will protect us then I’ll do it myself but I needed to catch a vote more than a case today.”

She was the one who approached him and flashed a peace sign. He did not approach her or threaten her.

Many pointed out how hypocritical she was–that she mocked Justice Brett Kavanaugh for being harassed by protesters, even after Kavanaugh had faced an assassination threat, but she has a huge problem with someone making a nasty remark near her.

It turns out that she called the police on Stein, not just once but five times, according to what she told a reporter. more

21 Comments on Capitol Police Serves AOC up a Little Reality as She Continues to Freak out and Attack Them

  1. the leftists are always the ones who keep “turning up” the intensity of societies stress zones (typically those that they created). Stein is a perfect example of why we must flip it back on them every opportunity we get – make them wallow in the shit they dumped.

  2. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has 13.2M Twatter Followers, what do you want to bet 13M are bots.
    Do they get paid for their followers on Twatter, insta, …?
    Next she’ll get a big book deal, another way the left pays their spoke holes.

  3. “It’s just a bummer to work in an institution that openly allowed this, ”

    Is she talking about the House of Representatives? She could resign and go back to bartending or there is an ageing donkey in Tiajuana she could replace. She has the intellectual ability and looks, all she would need is a strap-on.

  4. It’s not okay to compliment a marginalized woman of power, but it’s okay for that same woman to threaten those who complement her with violence? Oh, and we need to pass laws to make sure she isn’t complimented ever again? You gotta love the true colors of those “on the right” that come out to defend AOC like O’Reilly and Ingraham and say we need to pass laws to protect her. Bless her little heart, she’s the number one oppressed person.

  5. Both AOC and eye patch McCain proved they can’t take what they dish out in their complete over reactions to a little heckling. And both are clearly too stupid to realize they have elevated Prime Time 99 and increased his followers by 100s of thousands. And these are the losers people vote into offfice.

  6. I think Alex Stein is angling to get called before the J6 Inquisition Committee, so he can troll them as hard as he does all of the city councils. Good job, AOC. You just made that more likely.

  7. The exact same cunt who merely days ago said it was okay to harass SCOTUS justices at their homes and in public. She’s a classic Gen-X moronic narcissist piece of shit. FFS.

  8. Easy there, Mule. She’s not Gen-X. Don’t lump her in with my generation. She would be a whiny millenneal. By my estimation, Gen-X was the last generation still grounded in reality.


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