Capitol protest: Antifa broke windows as Patriots tried to stop them – IOTW Report

Capitol protest: Antifa broke windows as Patriots tried to stop them

Melissa Tate @TheRightMelissa
OMG! BUSTED! Video shows Trump supporters stopping & pulling away Antifa men from breaking the Capitol windows. Trump supporters are heard yelling out “That’s Antifa!!!” Dems set us up & GOP just threw us under the bus over a trap. Surreal! Wow!

5 Comments on Capitol protest: Antifa broke windows as Patriots tried to stop them

  1. And we need to keep all those overpaid, underworked, scandalous, treasonous cheating bastard’s in the house and senate and your state offices looking over their shoulders and worry about their surroundings for the next four years minimum. They’re all playing the long game hoping this will get memory holed. Don’t let it.

  2. It was a setup. 4 of us entered DC from VA at 6AM and saw hundreds of scrawny ANTIFKs in 100 dollar jeans, $500 down jackets with greasy hair and bad BO. As soon as they started going to the barricades I knew trouble would start. It also seems Gov Coonman had the NG on standby.

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