Caption – IOTW Report



120 Comments on Caption

  1. Man, I said I’d pay you as soon as I get back from the golf course! Michelles Mama is gonna take a whole purse full of silverware to the pawn shop for me while everybody’s out for the morning. Just let me get one more 8-ball and a new stem, and I swear I’ll have yo money by 5-o’clock! Hey, what about a trade? I’ll suck yo dick man… I’ll suck yo dick AND pay you yo money by tonite!!! Please?

  2. I THAID, get THREE packth of benthon and hedgeth menthol light 100th on the night-thtand in the lincoln bedroom AND get the gameth on tv BEFORE reggie getth here!

  3. Fur:”If you want modified Chuck’s just say the word.”

    A man, a man with capitalism running though his veins like ice water.
    High Top Chucks with your M L artwork at the ankle, size 14 boat, sweet.
    I understand Vincent paid his debts with a starry night.

  4. Yes, that’s right, a video. The people were upset about a video. It was grainy black and white, and showed people lined up along ditches they dug themselves being shot

  5. Yes, Sir! Yes, Sir!

    I know that, Mr. Putin.

    Please, Sir, Kerry doesn’t know shit!

    I understand, Sir … my mentor had to protect the Sudetan Germans … the precedent has been set … I’ll see if Merkel will do a “Peace in Our Time” speech … yes, Sir.

  6. You know that Hitler guy? Right, well seems he was all into that occult stuff thinking it would get him some mojo and make him king of the world.

    Well, get some guys together, General, and find me that Arc of the Covenant. I hear it gives the user superpowers.

  7. “Would it be possible to renovate the Resolute desk to make it larger? I mean, Reggie’s a big guy, and he says it’s mighty uncomfortable down there……”

  8. Vlad! Don’t say that. Please! I told you – you can have anything you want. What? Okay, Texas is yours. …. AND Florida!? Why do you have to be so mean? Okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Of course, it’s no problem.

  9. “Hello Bibi, this is Barrack…..Barack Obama…you remember me don’t you? Well anyway, I’m the President and I need some help looking like a leader dealing with that Putin thug…what do I need to do? President of the United States….what’s so funny? (click…buzzzz) Hello Bibi…you still there? Hello……”

  10. Barry talking to the dial tone after Putin hangs up on him….

    “You don’t scare me! I swear I will KICK YOUR ASS all the way back to Russia!” *grins at camera*

  11. What if I stand with my legs apart and put my hand on my hip. Will that look “presidential?” Oh, thumb to the BACK. Pick up the phone? Why? Oh, talk INTO the phone! That makes sense. Don’t look at you? Look down like I’m concentrating on working. Got it. Great idea! We can caption this “Obama being stern with Putin and defending the people of The Ukraine.” What? No, THE? It’s just Ukraine? When did that happen? They’re an independent country? When did THAT happen? Never mind. Send a hundred 8×10 glossies to the former gov’t of The Ukraine. Tell them change is good.

  12. @Stranded – ROFLMAO!

    “Okay Barry that’s better. This time turn the phone around. Yes, that’s correct, you speak into that end. Okay, let’s try this again people…”


  13. I have no pithy quote just a comment. Notice how he is not between the flags, but over to the left of the presidential flag. If he ment business he would have the stars and stripes behind him. Also he would be looking forward not down like a submissive dog.

  14. “Valerie, I have him on hold. Someone put some words on my telephone-teleprompter NOW. Remember our deal, you make the decisions, I’m just here to look good.”

  15. ¿Hablas español? En caso afirmativo, pulse uno ahora.

    Do you speak English? If so press two now.

    (2) Beep.

    ¿Es usted un residente de los Estados Unidos? Si es así pulse uno ahora.

    Wha? I pressed 2 for English!

  16. “Hi, is this Mohammed’s Furniture Mart?, salamu alaykum. I’m going to need a less conspicuous prayer rug for the office. This one looks like a flying carpet.”
    Barry hangs up phone. “That’s the last time I let Michelle go shopping for me.”

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