Caravan clashes with riot police at Mexico-Guatemala border, ringleader arrested as migrants ‘turn back’ – IOTW Report

Caravan clashes with riot police at Mexico-Guatemala border, ringleader arrested as migrants ‘turn back’

BPR: The migrant caravan from Honduras heading to the United States reached the border separating Guatemala and Mexico on Friday, as a left-wing ringleader was taken into custody by Mexican authorities.

Irineo Mujica, director of the open border group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, “was detained Thursday as members of a 4,000-strong migrant caravan made it to a Guatemalan border town,” the Daily Mail reported. Mujica, who reportedly has dual Mexican and U.S. citizenship, was also arrested during the spring march of migrants that failed to make it to the U.S.

The arrest, in the Mexican border town of Ciudad Hidalgo, was captured on video as angry supporters protested — several others were also taken into custody.

“He was arrested along with three migrants by about 20 [immigration] agents and about 15 federal police as they marched toward a church as part of a welcome march for the Caminata del Migrante,” said Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which translates to Town Without Borders, in a Facebook post.

Mexican immigration officials said Mujica attacked immigration agents and police when he was asked for identification during the protest, according to the Daily Mail.  more here

16 Comments on Caravan clashes with riot police at Mexico-Guatemala border, ringleader arrested as migrants ‘turn back’

  1. Wow, that’s the way to do it. A country that actually arrests leftist thugs and violent ‘protestors’.

    Are you watching JEFE Sessions? Someone tell him to quit hiding and counting and begin seeking!

  2. They think they’re on the way to Utopia, the USA. Everyone has a 50in screen TV, drives new pickup trucks, wears the best clothes and eats at Red Lobster here. Yep. Utopia.
    They should check with their bros and sis’s in California about how nice it is to sleep on the sidewalk, or share a home with 5 other families while hoping for a ride to the market from someone who does have a POS pickup. Yep. Utopia.
    They can send all their darling children to American schools where all the books are written in English and they don’t speak English. Great learning opportunity for the kiddos.
    We did notice that none of the ‘migrants’ look like they missed any meals lately, in fact, some of them are downright obese. They also seem to be wearing clothes that are not rags, but seem to be current fashions.
    Anyway, they are in for some sad times. Too bad.

  3. Excuse me, but who the hell told these illegals they can force their way in?
    We elected Trump as president, not a bunch of illiterate Guatemalans.

    Stay in Mexico or go home.

    As an American I am not even allowed to own property in Mexico or Guatemala.

    So fuck you.

  4. If you really want to civilize these third world nations then simply allow American enterprise to build resorts there with legal gambling. And keep the dirt bags out. We will hire all the locals to work there.


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