Caravan of 1,500 Central American Migrant Families Crossing Mexico to Reach U.S. Border – IOTW Report

Caravan of 1,500 Central American Migrant Families Crossing Mexico to Reach U.S. Border

Breitbart: A caravan of more than 1,500 families including men, women, and children are making their way from Central America through Mexico and are expected to arrive at the US-Mexico Border in the coming days to request refugee status.

Known as the Viacrucis Migrante 2018, the caravan began on March 25 in the state of Chiapas and is expected to reach Tijuana within a month where the members of the group are expected to request refugee status from the U.S. government. The caravan is organized by the immigrant rights group Pueblo Sin Fronteras who have been posting updates about the caravan’s journey through Mexico. 

The group is reportedly made up of families from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras who are fleeing extreme poverty and gang violence. The group has been demanding a stop to the violence. MORE


50 Comments on Caravan of 1,500 Central American Migrant Families Crossing Mexico to Reach U.S. Border

  1. This is going to be an interesting looming confrontation.

    If I were Trump, I’d say, “Go home. You and we can work with your governments to improve conditions in your countries, but you and your neighbors HAVE TO STAND FOR YOURSELVES. America can not save the world, alone. YOU are responsible, not me, not America.” ….Lady in Red

  2. Who’se money pushed this Agenda ? They have a tour guide, and are getting free food and Transportation from Citie’s along the way.
    Let’s make sure they get free trans through California and straight to Canada.

  3. Maybe people will wake up. We ‘ve been at war for 50 years. Barbarians at the gate, infiltrators within, traitors in authority. Concord and Lexington, Fort Sumter, Duke Ferdinand. Who’s move???

  4. This is fuc Mexico government letting Does fuc criminals illegal aliens to come to the USA. But I hope that everyone of them get shot .send a message to Mexico don’t Fuc with us .

  5. 1500 families is like 5000+
    personas no? Get them turned
    around now so they don’t have
    to walk so far… This crap was planned
    and is by design.Like hundreds of “children”
    riding 1700 miles thru a desert on an industrial
    rail road train car against every RR law in the world!

  6. Poverty and gang violence are not a defined basis for refugee status.

    “[…} But not everyone qualifies for asylum or refugee status. You must meet some strict requirements, as described in this article. In particular, you must show two things:

    You are unable or unwilling to return to your home country because you have been persecuted there in the past or have a well-founded fear that you will be persecuted if you go back.

    The reason you have been (or will be) persecuted is connected to one of five things: your race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or your political opinion.”

    Unless you’re a muslim heading to Germany, in which case, come on in.

    Who’s paying for this? Soros?

  7. Mexico has Massive amounts of open land that they just ignore, really Fertile land with water forever and perfect weather, it’s in the South.
    These are working people not criminals so why does Mexico get a pass ?
    They can help Mexico, and not the U.S.A.

  8. Bad Brad…..You are just going to make a mess!

    Tear gas drones for a week or so should clear up the problem without the cleanup issues! ….smile…. ….and loudspeakers telling them all to go back home. ….Lady in Red

  9. BB….BTW, I just realized I don’t have a list of serial numbers for my guns. Yesh! Just discovered they are on the bottom of the grips for the S&Ws. Haven’t checked the Ruger. Not sure where to look on the rifle.

    I’ll figger it out. …smile…. ….Lady in Red

  10. “.You are just going to make a mess!”

    I run an AR platform like no other. I have approx 60,000 rounds thru are AR 15 and AR 10 platform in the last 5 years. You bet your cute ass I’ll make a mess.

  11. BTW, I believe the UN definition of refugee just gets you to the *first* country border — not throughput to the US.

    (Soros should have checked that, first.) ….Lady in Red

  12. It’ be very unlikely that they will get in here. This administration has been very tough even to those seeking to come in here legally:
    “WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department wants to require all U.S. visa applicants to submit their social media usernames, previous email addresses and phone numbers, vastly expanding the Trump administration’s enhanced vetting of potential immigrants and visitors.”

  13. Why do they think Americans need to support them ? If they come in then we all should quit our jobs get welfare , free healthcare and food stamps. See how America likes Illegals when we refuse to pay for them! No , our homeless population is growing like never before. They need to send Military and let them know we’re not responsible for them. Funny how Mexico didn’t stop them . I’m tired of “Come to America where we will make sure our citizens work harder to provide you with free everything”. We need to take a stand every time we welcome more in we pay for it , by neglecting our Vets, our schools , our children’s education. No We our in so much debt as it is. We need to demand to close our borders and not reopen them until we fix what’s broken in America first. This sickens me .

  14. Mexico frequently facilitates this. lets them in. Gives them good, supplies, instruction pamphlets and transportation through the country to the U.S. border.

    So when you hear that all these illegals aren’t “Mexicans”, or that “more Mexicans are returning to Mexico than migrating into the United States” — remember this.

  15. Allow them in.
    Use fencing to funnel them straight into a work camp where they are all issued single jacks.
    They can sit in the warm sunshine and make gravel for the wall foundations with their brand new hammers

  16. Somehow they all have the gumption to travel all that way, but don’t have the gumption to stay home and fix their own country?
    Not looking like productive immigrants to me.

  17. Reminds me of the Cuban Boat People during the Carter administration. Organized dumping of undesirables. Damned right Mexico is facilitating this. It is a declaration of war, using people as weapons.

  18. Mexico’s next president, Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador, is going to spark a migration crisis that makes the last 20 years look tame.

    Calderon made things bad, Pena-Nieto made things worse and now their version of Hugo Chavez will turn them into an official failed state.

    Get that wall up ASAP because they are going to be coming in numbers far greater than this.

  19. Guevara I agree with you. I hope that the USA military is send to the borders. And that the border patrol shoot every single one. I’m agree give me the other I will go and shoot them for the love of my country America the beautiful. The Mexican wants the USA to become shit hole like them.

  20. Central Americans have looked at what happened in Europe as millions marched from the Middle East (they were let in) and decided it was worth a gamble.

    What has happened since in Europe proves that the USA must NOT allow the same response at the border. Either we have borders, or we do not.

    If reports of this caravan are true, the time for deciding is coming soon. I’ve already let my electeds know that in my family, we only vote FOR a sovereign America.

  21. Since it seems that Mexico does not understand international law, regarding “refugees”, it is necessary to seal The United States’ southern border. At least until this threat to international law has passed. The persnickety will note that I wrote “seal”. As in nothing in or out. From sea to shining sea. Until this storm has washed back from whence it came. Did you note that (International) Chamber of Commerce? NOTHING in or out, until the entirety of this storm has passed.

  22. We’ve made ourselves a magnet for everyone in every shithole worldwide who doesn’t have the will or the intelligence to fix the mess they created in their own country. All they have to do is get here and the hard times are over. You never have to learn the language, you don’t have to work–you don’t even have to be a citizen! You can wave the flag of the country you fled while demanding (in your native language) more and more from the American taxpayer, whom you curse and flip off because they aren’t thrilled to support your fat lazy ass and all your little anchor cucarachas.

    Damn. I used to be really nice. Liberals have slapped the nice right out of me.

  23. “The group is reportedly made up of families from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras who are fleeing bringing extreme poverty and gang violence.”


    And it’s no accident they’re aiming for Tijuana; they know the Californians will cooperate in accommodating them and defying ICE.

    Militia Muster on the Border!

  24. It’s a very long walk South to North in Mexico, especially if the walkers are not equipped with food, water, camping supplies like bedrolls, reliable clothing, and are allegedly poor. Until actual proof is provided, this is likely a psy-op event. Allegedly, Mexicans themselves hate illegal invaders more than real Americans despise the illegals being allowed to pour into the USA over our border. Likely these groups are just being paid to fake their walking, locally. It would be moronic for poor Mexicans to not be bribed to act out for the MSM. Can’t believe a story just because it is told by liars. Photos do not prove anything any more! Remember that the Mexican government (and US government, too) would be thrilled to continue get their own thousands over the border into the USA by deceitful trickery.


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