Caravan Organizers Abandon Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Caravan Organizers Abandon Illegal Aliens

Caravan organizers dump migrants, flee responsibility.

American Thinker:

With the caravan in Tijuana descending into a sozzled mess and den of pestilence, caravan organizers Pueblo Sin Fronteras now say they have nothing to do with it and seem to have skipped town.

Get a load of the interesting stories within this long piece that ran in the San Diego Union-Tribune that begins with a migrant thinking about going back to Honduras (emphasis mine):

“I think this is the end,” Benavides said.

The experience taught her not to believe things as they appear, she said. Many in the caravan have said they felt deceived by the messages they received along the way about what awaited them at the U.S. border.

The caravan had leaders as it traveled north, Benavides said, but she hadn’t seen them since Sunday’s march to the border.

Though she had family in the U.S. ready to help her if she’s allowed inside, she didn’t know how to begin the process of asking for asylum or where to go for information.

Getting accurate and useful information to a group of more than 5,000 people can be challenging, and the caravan’s nebulous leadership structure only adds to the difficulty.

The reporter seems to be a good reporter, but she doesn’t have a clue as to what’s happening here: the caravan organizers are realizing that their political project to challenge Donald Trump at the border is a disastrous mess and, instead of taking responsibility for it, are now abandoning the people they used for the television cameras and saying they had nothing to do with it.  The migrants they lured to the caravan via flyers and social media and press appearances were useful so long as the moms and kids and strollers put the political heat onto the U.S., but now that the truth is out about who they really are – military-aged young men, mostly – and they’re sitting in a squalid camp waiting their turn for entry same as anyone else, they’re no longer an advertisement about how to immigrate easily into the U.S. (actually, they’re the opposite).  So now the organizers are gone.  Packed up and left the circus.  Missing.  AWOL.  Nowhere to be found.  Their website hasn’t been updated since advertising for last week’s border confrontation.  And the mayor of Tijuana says he wants them arrested.

Now they’re denying they ever had anything to do with the migrant caravan.  MORE HERE

19 Comments on Caravan Organizers Abandon Illegal Aliens

  1. Wow… The left really cares about the poor… They really really do. What kind of assholes do this to people? The left are power mad psychopaths. They don’t even give a fuck about themselves, much less the poor nor the country nor anything at all. They’re mindless tools for billionaire psychotics like Soros & Steyer.

  2. From all the photos posted, the ones troubling me so are all the Smart Phones, hell, I’m still using my Star Trek communicator flip phone, they all have a Tricorder.
    How oppressed can you be when you are allowed a modern means of communication with the entire fucking world?

  3. Yeah, they all have smart phones and none of them look like they’ve missed too many meals either. Like everywhere else these days overweight people are over represented in the crowds, and all seem to have decent clothing. Bottom line, they just want to get on the sugar tit and let U.S. taxpayers provide their needs.

  4. Where are
    Catholic Charities and Protestant Outreach and Jewish Whatever now?
    I guess there’s no cash to be made off these folks.
    So they don’t get the help from
    Catholic Charities and Protestant Outreach and Jewish Whatever.

  5. sozzled:
    ! Warning Will Robinson ! I’m not sure you want to know this.
    I thought it just meant drunk.

    The action of placing ones penis in the mouth of an unconscious person, whilst consuming a small pork sausage. First used by the homosexual porn star ‘Mr Milkman’, in his porno ‘Little Willy’.

  6. The GENERALINA had a *great* idea (if anyone has connections):

    The Left is always there – ready, chomping at the bit to sue the Right – SO…
    Is there any CONSERVATIVE legal outfit which could take on these illegals and sue “Pueblo Sin Fronteras” (and the Catholic organizations) in a Class Action Lawsuit (basis TBD)?!

    The P.R. (public relations…NOT Puerto Rico, !pendejo!) would be priceless!!!


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