CARBON DIOXIDE is mostly OXYGEN, people – IOTW Report

CARBON DIOXIDE is mostly OXYGEN, people


Deceptive Language Ruins Earth Hour.

With Earth Hour being held around the world between 8:30 and 9:30 pm local time on Saturday, we are going to hear a lot about reducing “carbon pollution,” “carbon emissions,” and our supposed “carbon footprint.”

But this makes no sense.

Carbon is a solid, naturally occurring, non-toxic element found in all living things. It forms thousands of compounds, much more than any other element. Medicines, trees, oil, and even our bodies are made of carbon compounds.

Pure carbon occurs in nature mainly in the forms of graphite and diamond. So, what is the “carbon pollution” environmentalists are concerned about? Are they speaking about soot emissions reduction? Amorphous carbon, carbon without structure, is the main ingredient in soot, which is a pollutant important to control. Power plants have already done a good job reducing soot, as they have with other pollutants.

No, activists are crusading against emissions of one specific compound of carbon, namely carbon dioxide (CO2). Ignoring the oxygen atoms and calling CO2 “carbon” makes about as much sense as ignoring the oxygen in water (H2O) and calling it “hydrogen.”

Calling CO2 “carbon,” or worse, “carbon pollution,” encourages people to think of it as something dirty and so important to restrict. Calling CO2 by its proper name would help the public remember that, regardless of its role in climate change (a point of intense debate among scientists), CO2 is really an invisible gas essential to plant photosynthesis, and so to all life.

Climate change campaigners do not seem to understand that commercial greenhouse operators routinely run their internal atmospheres at up to 1,500 parts per million (ppm) CO2 concentration for a good reason. Plants inside grow far more efficiently than at the 400 ppm in the outside atmosphere. Yet there is no hint of any consequent temperature rise.  read more

24 Comments on CARBON DIOXIDE is mostly OXYGEN, people

  1. Please don’t hate me, too hard. I’m in favor, really, really, in favor of carbon sequestration. As a way to save both Earth and humanity. I have a dream. A dream where high carbon sacks of water are removed from the atmosphere. Buried underground. In ditches. Long, glorious ditches. By backhoes and bulldozers fueled by biodiesel. Until nobody worries about such things, anymore.

  2. All living plants and trees produce CO2 at night. One way to reduce the carbon is to cut down all trees and pave over where where they were! That would be the environmentally sound way. Any takers?

  3. A decade ago, as with economics, I grumbled I was too ill-educated and would leave the global warming/climate change/extreme weather debate to the pros. Wrong. With three brain cells and a modicum of research anyone can separate intelligent science from the hysterics.

    Forget George Carlin on plastics…. ….smile… saving the planet….

    I pick up trash, live clean, modestly…. don’t own a private jet.

    The tree huggers, however, have caught an irrational disease: it’s all about snails and polar bears and crazy stuff that makes zero sense. It is also arrogant as hell: you idiots are going to “save the planet?” Fools, big time. We might kill off ourselves, but nature goes on… …and God smiles. ….Lady in Red

  4. Please don’t hate me, too hard. I’m in favor, really, really, in favor of carbon sequestration. As a way to save both Earth and humanity. I have a dream. A dream where high carbon sacks of water are removed from the atmosphere. Buried underground. In ditches. Long, glorious ditches. By backhoes and bulldozers fueled by biodiesel. Until nobody worries about such things, anymore.

  5. Carbon = life.

    Don’t be stupid.

    It’s plant food and the Earth had a higher concentration levels of carbon dioxide way back when ALL living things were larger.

    If you want oxygen, then you need carbon dioxide for the plants to grow and produce it.

    It’s a lie to call it a pollutant. It’s not at all.

    You’ve been led by the nose down a false path if you think it is.

    More plant growth = good!

    That is, if you want to feed more people in the world. If you hate people, by all means, support the war on what life is made of. Carbon.

  6. Who is this “Anonymous” person and what is he/she writing about? …over and over…. Hmmmmm…..

    I haven’t a clue. It doesn’t “seem” good,though. ..Lady in Red

  7. @Lady in Red March 24, 2018 at 1:23 pm

    > Who is this “Anonymous” person and what is he/she writing about? …over and over…. Hmmmmm…..

    Are you presuming my “person”-hood!? How deplorable. Russian bots rule! Water bags drool!

    (And sometimes the interwebz lose things. Find them. Send them again. We are legion. Expect me.)

  8. If you’ve never had a co2 headache, shut up.

    Humans produce co2 with every breath. It’s the first gas that will kill you on a submarine within hours if not controlled.

    If they want co2 scrubbers, they can make them and store their own co2.

    If you atmosphere control lessons, come look me up. It used to be my job.

  9. CO2, Carbon (A M 12) and Oxygen (A M 16) is only 27% Carbon (by mass).
    Photosynthesis, water, and sunlight gives us hydrocarbons and Oxygen which sustains life on Earth.
    CO2 + H2O = blah blah blah

    More CO2 – more greenery – more edible stuff for cows, pigs, and sheep – more edible stuff for us.

    Pretty simple. Which brings us to the underlying fact: the forces of nihilism HATE life, humanity, and … well … existence.

    God is the giver of life. The Creator. The Font of all Existence.

    Nihilism wants to burrow into Darkness – and have Darkness reign over the Earth – and all the Universe (if a way can be found).

    THIS is the foundation of the “Green” movement (the flotsam and jetsam of Inter-National and National Socialism) and the basis of their desire to extinguish existence.
    They are NOT simply an irritant.

    izlamo delenda est …

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