Cardinal Burke: ‘It Will Be Hard to Vote’ for Next Pope – IOTW Report

Cardinal Burke: ‘It Will Be Hard to Vote’ for Next Pope

Breitbart: Cardinal Raymond Burke told The Australian Sunday that the Catholic cardinals will have a hard time voting in the next papal conclave because they have had little contact and do not know each other very well.

The College of Cardinals is “in a very bad way,” said the 70-year-old Burke, a canon lawyer and the former head of the Vatican’s highest court.

Despite the vital role of the college in advising the pope and electing his successor, Pope Francis has not convened a meeting of cardinals for four years, Burke lamented, and therefore many of them do not even know each other.

Of the 124 current cardinals eligible to vote in the next papal conclave, 59 were created by Francis and few of those created under earlier pontificates know the newer cardinals and many of the newer cardinals do not know each other, Burke said.

“It will be hard to vote,’’ Cardinal Burke said. “We need regular meetings.”

Burke said that the cardinals will be at a loss when they eventually meet in conclave, which is significant when a strong church is needed in the world.

At the outset of his pontificate, Francis met twice with the college of cardinals — in February 2014 and February 2015 — for two full days each. The meetings took place in the Vatican Synod Hall and provided an opportunity for the pope to hear about issues from around the world.

At the consistory of November 2016, however, the pope elected to forgo the traditional meeting with the cardinals, in what was widely interpreted as a move to avoid a confrontation with the four cardinals who had submitted five “dubia” or questions to the pontiff regarding perceived ambiguities in his teaching.  more here

11 Comments on Cardinal Burke: ‘It Will Be Hard to Vote’ for Next Pope

  1. 59 out of the eligible 124 Cardinals were created by Francis.
    It appears marxism is alive and well at the vatican.
    God has a small, quiet voice in the College of Cardinals, are any of the Cardinals listening?

  2. JD you’re too hasty. Burke is neither “too soft on the guilty” nor a “bastard”. He’s one of the few that are calling out the Holy Father for straying from what the Catholic Church stands for. Cardinal Burke is an honorable man.

  3. imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you’re Francis

    imagine no religion, it’s easy if you’re Francis

    imagine all the people living like socialists, it’s easy if you’re Francis

  4. The meetings took place in the Vatican Synod Hall and provided an opportunity for the pope to hear about issues from around the world.

    These cardinals’ inputs clearly don’t interest Francis. What do they know about climate change and social justice? Michael Moore, now….

  5. Little Jimmy, now all grown up, asked his old friend Father Fahey, “Father, are you still “ministering” to the young boys in the parish?”
    Father Fahey replied “I’m trying to quit, but every time I see one of those boys, it makes it awfully hard.”

  6. I mean no insult to anyone of the faith, but I am ever grateful I left the RCC. Born and raised RCC, 12 years of RCC schooling, four years as an altar boy (and was never molested, thank you Jesus), as soon as I was out of my parents’ house and on my own I rejected it all. To me the actions of Rome are the actions of a geopolitical corporation.

  7. Prudence may appear to be softness when we judge from a distance. His Eminence has undoubtedly done everything he can do because he loves The Church more than any of us can fathom.


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