Cargo ship lost power and issued mayday before hitting Baltimore’s bridge, governor says – IOTW Report

Cargo ship lost power and issued mayday before hitting Baltimore’s bridge, governor says

BALTIMORE (AP) — A container ship lost power and rammed into a major bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday, causing it to snap and plunge into the river below. Several vehicles fell into the chilly waters, and rescuers searched for survivors.

The operators of the ship issued a mayday call moments before the crash that took down the Francis Scott Key Bridge, enabling authorities to limit vehicle traffic on the span, Maryland’s governor said.

The ship crashed into one of the bridge’s supports, causing the structure to break apart like a toy. It tumbled into the water in a matter of seconds — a shocking spectacle that was captured on video and posted on social media. The vessel caught fire, and thick, black smoke billowed out of it. more

45 Comments on Cargo ship lost power and issued mayday before hitting Baltimore’s bridge, governor says

  1. Not buying it one bit. Who was the pilot? What national flag was he flying under? What are his connections to the Bidens, the CIA, the FBI, the CCP, Soros, the WEF, etc.? And seriously, in nearly every bridge accident story I have seen on “Engineering Disasters,” the support piers are ALWAYS implicated. Do the folks who claim to maintain this bridge NOT watch these shows, study engineering failures, etc.? There are ONLY TWO supporting the bridge. Why were they NOT reinforced to prevent this kind of thing? And seriously, how many more major pieces of critical infrastructure must they destroy before people finally wake up and realize that these are NOT just random “accidents?”

  2. What’s done is done.
    WHat’s also “done” is the loss of the massive steel factory, decades ago, that sat right next to the base of that bridge. The steel that made the Golden Gate Bridge was sourced there. Where in the world will the steel come from today to rebuild this important long span? Even the now spayed (ie, “de-industrialized”) You’re-a-Peein’ allies can’t provide it.

    In all current events, to understand the ‘why?’ you must ask yourself Cui Bono??!

  3. Those waters were invaded by both German Uboats and British battleships in days of olde…..

    A mere kid, a young black guy standing next to government officials, looking rather lost and overwhelmed by the circumstances, ends up being the Mayor of Baltimore ! 😯

  4. I tend to agree with MrLiberty on this one. I’m not familiar with that area at all. Is this bridge a major escape route for residence? Something smells. Was reverse busted on that boat? They had about ten different ways to know where that bridge was. Not including visual.
    You’re only option for replacement steel is China.

  5. Until they remove the carnage, a MAJOR US port is blocked. Cargo and even cruise ships.

    Major docks for auto deliveries (even domestic-built vehicles) McCormick Spice, Domino sugar, drywall, international coal shipments….

  6. Brad, the cargo ship lost power. Not sure if they lost rudder control or radar.

    Kind of fits with the Biden phenomenon though, if you consider the Cali ports not being very productive a while back (or now? no reporting doesn’t mean anything…)

    It sucks when you can’t trust anything except bad shit.

  7. DEI maintenance?

    Or CIA kill switch?

    …kind of symbolic wiping out a bridge named for a guy who made one of the most patriotic songs EVER, nicht wahr?

    …and funny that it broke just as its steaming full-tilt right at the rather poorly shielded bridge pillars in a busy deepwater port…

  8. @Brad
    It is not an escape route for anyone. It’s one of the multiple routes either through or around Baltimore for transportation along the east coast.
    But it is the ONLY route between Baltimore’s port to the Atlantic. This is a major GLOBAL trade port, with MASSIVE trade logistics implications.
    I’m wondering what part of the shipboard investigation they will allow to be released to the public…

  9. Excluding concrete verifiable proof to the contrary, Hanlon’s Razor is my go to.

    Every day we see stupid people acting stupidly, doing stupid things that effect other people in stupid ways.

    Factor in rot of municipalities in properly maintaining infrastructure, the fraud usually associated with government contracts and union workers, and the fact that this was an old bridge which should have been properly reinforced but wasn’t.

    And since our own government is vexed with stupid people who couldn’t tie their own shoes without mono-syllabic worded instructions, to think there was some grand scheme behind this gives those same stupid people way too much credit.

    “It sucks when you can’t trust anything except bad shit.”

    Past duplicity has removed any benefit of the doubt, they brought this on themselves.

  10. Wait until you see the close-in footage of the snap-points on video.

    Reminds me of building 7 WTC, and the container ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal a while back.

    That ship was hacked and deliberately run into that support pillar.


  11. The shipping manifest just washed up on shore. The ship, owned by The Daily Wire, was carrying Jeremy’s Razors and Jeremy’s Chocolates, bound for Haifa. Right before the crash, a female voice was heard on the ship’s radio yelling,”Christ is King, bitches”.

  12. The ship was leaving the port. Probably all the containers were empty and headed back to asia since we only import from the rest of the world and don’t export anymore.

  13. “Probably all the containers were empty ”

    Were they? Or were some of them filled with 12 year old girls? Just sayen, this is yet another wreck that smells really bad.

  14. Maybe I’m seeing things incorrectly but the ship seemed to make a hard turn at the end and hit the structure dead on. If you think this is an accident I have a bridge to sell……wait…. Never mind.

  15. Whoever is responsible for this new outrage ought to pay with his life.

    It’s all bad shit. Why this old bridge, why this problematic cargo ship, why this particular port, the busiest on the eastern seaboard? It’s going to delay shipments of all kinds of things across the US. Prices will go even higher, as they have been as the result of the attacks in the Persian Gulf area.

    Who the devil is behind all the bad stuff that’s happened, especially since 2020????

    The incident has put me in a really bad mood. I expect the Bubonic Plague will soon break out again.

  16. Multiple intel sources: Baltimore bridge collapse was an “absolutely brilliant strategic attack” on US critical infrastructure – most likely cyber – & our intel agencies know it. In information warfare terms, they just divided the US along the Mason Dixon line exactly like the Civil War.

    Second busiest strategic roadway in the nation for hazardous material now down for 4-5 years – which is how long they say it will take to recover. Bridge was built specifically to move hazardous material – fuel, diesel, propane gas, nitrogen, highly flammable materials, chemicals and oversized cargo that cannot fit in the tunnels – that supply chain now crippled.

    Make no mistake: this was an extraordinary attack in terms of planning, timing & execution.
    From Police Frequency


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