Carlos Osweda: You And I Are Not Alike – IOTW Report

Carlos Osweda: You And I Are Not Alike

Carlos Osweda unrolled thread, video-style.
On doubters, defeatism, confidence, and the absolute baller that was Sholto Douglas.

13 Comments on Carlos Osweda: You And I Are Not Alike

  1. I’m confident too…confident enough to know that the dems are doing everything they can to make sure that PA, WI, OH & MI don’t vote red again. And I mean everything. BTW FL too.

    I also know Trump and Brad didn’t just fall off the turnip truck and are doing everything they can to prevent a tsunami of voter fraud from cancelling out our votes.

  2. The blacks are rioting, looting and burning buildings and turning cities into disaster areas. And the politicians are kneeling to them.

    And all the cops did was engage in some mostly proper police practices. The police were largely very respectful of every black citizen they approached.

    lmao, i’d give anything if there was a writer that would put that in the paper.

  3. I almost feel like this is 1968 all over again except this time it’s 1968 on steroids. Didn’t we learn our lesson back then or have we conveniently forgotten that 1968 was the year that America changed for the worse. Fortunately this year nobody has been assassinated yet but you know damn well that it might happen if the left keeps all this rioting and looting and anarchy up. God help us!

  4. There’s one hell of a lot of confident losers roaming around. Winners prepare. And obviously Trump is a winner. I wish I were “Confident “ his team has figured out how to manage voter fraud. That is what will determine our next President

  5. That is the second twitter thing I have seen by Carlos Osweda. The first was a thread last week where he dismantled a bullshit narrative about some peaceful BLMs taking down a rioter. Carlos showed how it was actually a disciplined team of operators moving through the jackals, picking out leaders and instigators, swarming them, and then handing them off to cops.

    Very perceptive guy. I will have to check in on him again.

    BTW, Trump Kicked Biden’s ass in the GA primary last Tuesday by over 100,000 votes. Yes, Biden lost votes to candidates on the ballot who were no longer running, but even if you add 2nd place Bernie’s votes, Trump STILL won. I am confident about Georgia in November.

  6. One more thing about the GA primary…All the little old local white ladies who ran my polling station are gone. Scared off by the Covid. Now my precinct is run by young black women. Bad_Brad, your skepticism is justified.


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