Carlson: Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again, and You Don’t Even Know It – IOTW Report

Carlson: Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again, and You Don’t Even Know It

Is this drug too good to be true? Tucker Carlson and Calley Means discuss.

19 Comments on Carlson: Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again, and You Don’t Even Know It

  1. Anonymous SUNDAY, 4 FEBRUARY 2024, 11:57 AT 11:57 AM – Just because its primary use is a an anti-parasitic does NOT mean that is chemical mechanism in the body isn’t harmful to cancer cells. Sorry you haven’t bothered to read all the studies, reports, etc. about this great drug or its biochemical properties in relation to cancer cell metabolism and death, etc. EDTA is used to chelate out heavy metals in response to acute industrial exposure. What was discovered is that when this chemical (as in IV) was used, atherosclerotic plagues (the things that cause heart attacks, etc.) we significantly reduced or eliminated by the actions of the EDTA (in addition to their chelation of the heavy metals). IVs of EDTA are a few hundred dollars, but insurance won’t pay for them and the FDA does NOT approve of their use for reversing vascular/heart disease. But they will pay for $50-100K heart surgery. Of course they all say “you don’t have heavy metal poisoning, why use EDTA?” because the cardiac care industry/cartel makes HUGE PILES OF MONEY. So saying that you don’t have worms so you don’t need Ivermectin for your cancer also makes sense from their perspective. Can you imagine HOW MANY FEWER CASES of cancer there would have been globally if Ivermectin was being taken by everyone (for pennies a pill)? While it would have likely save MILLIONS of people, the industry was more than happy to sacrifice them (I believe in part) simply to prevent anyone from finding out how great it was at curing/reversing cancers. These are CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY…and should be treated as such.

  2. @ Cmn¢¢guy SUNDAY, 4 FEBRUARY 2024, 12:47 AT 12:47 PM

    The progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement has but one dog eared and tattered playbook. Attacking a population’s food supply is nothing new to them. Covering it up or explaining it away is what their propaganda does.

    The attack on the food supply should come as a surprise to no one, it isn’t so much what they do, it is what they are. They are wickedness and evil personified and it’s by their fruits that anyone with any powers of observation whatsoever has no excuse for giving the benefit of the doubt now that the masks are off and they have made it known who they serve, and by extension what they have made of themselves.

  3. Eric and others – important to share useful information, even if it falls on deaf cunts. And just imagine if we had a TRULY free market in health. What sorts of information would doctors, naturopaths, etc. be able to share with everyone, offer to everyone, etc. that might actually PREVENT serious diseases like Cancer and heart disease, truly CURE them, etc. I remember so many shouting at the top of their lungs to “leave our healthcare alone…its not broken” when Hillary was trying to foist her plan on us, and Obama as well. No offense, and not to endorse the crime spree of those two low-lifes, but our medical system is WAY PAST BROKEN, and most of it is the lack of knowledge freedom and freedom of REAL choice. Sadly, the bulk of the GOP opposing the changes supported by those two clowns, are so beholden to bigPharma, the AMA, the insurance cartels, etc. that they would NEVER support real freedom or choice either.

  4. *Eat food as close to the way God made it. Reduce/eliminate processed foods (massive added chemicals).

    *Turn the food pyramid upside down and eat more to less as you go up:
    bottom [1st] row = meats, poultry, fish, eggs, good fats and oils
    2nd row = vegetables/fruits, cheese (blocks, not shredded or creamed)
    3rd row = milk
    4th row = bread, grains

    *Increase activity level (increase cardio)

  5. @Claudia SUNDAY, 4 FEBRUARY 2024, 15:09 AT 3:09 PM
    I did the same thing about 10 years ago, turned the pyramid upside down.
    My 300+ pound nutritionist told me I would get fat.
    I’m 70+ years old and am 120 pounds..

  6. “Big” everything is corrupt. It all started with the corruption of the Clintons, followed by the Manchurian Candidate Obama, then cemented by traitor Joe Biden. All of it was helped along the way by the GOPe.

    When the government is completely corrupt, “big” everything becomes corrupted with them. Just follow the money.

  7. @Syka Blyat

    Hey, you f*****g b*tch, you’re mispelling “Syka”. It should be “Sooka” That у in сука is actually an “oo” sound. Its the first letter in “Украина” (Ukraine)

    Why is everyone staring at me? Because I called Sooka Blyat a “f*****g bitch? But thats what Sooka Blyat means .. ‘effing bitch. I just want him or her to get it right

  8. The hell, “blyad” is probably the most used word on both sides of front line in Ukraine.

    And recall the scene in “Patton” where Scott says he will not drink with any Russian son of a bitch. Watch the Russian flinch when he hears “sookin syn” Then he fires back with “Oan tozhye sookin syn .. Skazhiy!” (He’s also a son of a bitch .. Tell him!)

  9. We we just love our bug shit ivermectin, hell it cures everyting, you name it, cured.
    Brain cells cured & all gone who needs em. Cancer all cured, who cares if it doesn’t do a goddamn thing, wee sure the f don’t.


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