Carlson: Pete Buttigieg learned some roads are too racist to fix – IOTW Report

Carlson: Pete Buttigieg learned some roads are too racist to fix

Tucker Carlson calls out hypocrisy of climate change activists taking private jets on Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

12 Comments on Carlson: Pete Buttigieg learned some roads are too racist to fix

  1. Pelosi flew on gov’t jets almost weekly. We all knew and no one did squat, just like no one will do squat about Buttplug or Kerry or the rest. Politicians are the biggest hypocrites to walk the earth.

  2. Did you heard or saw the news?

    Mayor Pete has been flying on the road a lot, and privately on top.

    Meanwhile, while Mayor General Secretary Peter is out flying over his roads, his husband is back home doing video chats with Transvestite Perverts who also happen to be kleptomaniacs too. Twice.

    And all this while he he and it hold a baby on their laps. In front of laptops. Perverse perverts that have a flair for flamboyandnancies.

    Pure msNBC style journolism have not said nary one word about almost none of this yet.

    Fox not as much.

    CNN is busy with Actor Acting Awarding Shows and can’t comment much so early in the AM.

  3. Not so much hypocrisy (though they ARE hypocrites) but a tacit admission that the Globaloney Warming Climate Change Bullshit Hoax is a fukkin HOAX!
    They KNOW it’s all bullshit! That’s why they’re not doing anything substantial to curb their squandering – you can’t stop a nullity.

    Judge them by their acts; not their words.

    mortem yrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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