Carly should be in that debate – IOTW Report

Carly should be in that debate

carly fiorina 2

PatriotRetort: For the first time in six months, the Republican candidates will be holding a debate on a network channel instead of cable. This Saturday on ABC will be the final debate before the New Hampshire primary.

On a personal note. My parents have the bare-bones cable. They do not get CNN, Fox News or Fox Business. And, for six months now, they have not had the opportunity to see the Republican candidates debate live as it was happening. The only things they know about the previous debates have been through sound bites on Rush’s show or Laura Ingraham’s show.
And from their daughter’s columns. I’m sure my parents aren’t alone. There are probably quite a number of Americans who do not have cable or do not use the internet with any regularity for whom this would be the very first opportunity to see a debate. And Carly should be in that debate.

Now, I’m not a special pleader for Carly Fiorina. She isn’t my first choice. But let’s look at it purely objectively.  more

25 Comments on Carly should be in that debate

  1. ABC keeping Carly out of the first tier feeds the storyline ABC and the MSM are selling that republicans have a war on women. They’re enforcing their own themes by making it look like republicans are evil against this poor woman…..that they themselves aren’t putting on.

  2. The only polls that mean anything are the results of the primary election.
    The polls that select who is in and who is out of the debate are not official and are skewed.
    If you want to use “real” numbers….look at the Iowa vote results and then dump Kasich and Christie, then place Carly back at the podium.

  3. @clayusmcret…

    The GOP debate boys’ club could shut down this MSM narrative by banding together and registering a formal protest on Carly’s exclusion. Even if ABC refused to allow her onstage, it would be clear to everyone who shut her out.

    But the GOP candidates are, by and large, the same kind of pols who don’t want to put legislation on Obama’s desk because he will veto it. They have little interest in scoring political points or making Dems uncomfortable.

    After that first debate, when they all tore into the moderators for asking ridiculous questions, I had hope that this band of rivals understood that there were some things on which they had to stick together. Looks like I was wrongly optimistic.

  4. It’s racist not to include Carly. No, I mean homophobic. Uhhh, I mean Islamaphobic. No, no. It’s sexist I tell ya! Sexist! She’s a girl for heavens sake! Just ask her. Or is that Hillary? One of them is a girl, I think.

    Any GOP candidate not in the top three in Iowa needs to drop out at this point. They are just wasting everyone’s time.


  5. @Claudia…

    Ted Cruz is the only one who gets it. He is always ahead of the curve on looking out for the team. Unlike Trump, who is unexcelled in looking out for himself. Not saying one is better than the other, just making an observation.

  6. @Czar…

    I assume you are asking rhetorically, but the lofos who gobble down the MSM narrative don’t even ask, because they know it’s the evil RNC who is stepping on Carly’s neck.

  7. Carly would make an excellent VP. She would shred the hapless mediocrity Julian Castro in a debate.

    Kasich doesn’t want to be anybody’s veep and has said he would make a terrible VP. I will take him at his word. And Chris Christie is probably just as ill-suited for the VP job.

    Let her onstage to make her case for either office.

  8. Fiorina always has something to say worth hearing.

    And that is precisely the reason ABC doesn’t want her on stage. Cheb! can finally yammer about his “fantasy football” and world shattering nose picks and Kasich can regale us with the “Tales of Brave Ulysses” back when he single-handedly tamed the colossus of Washington and Krispie can – once again – describe how he saved New Jersey from the izlamic menace.

    Rubio can wear his fake smile, Cruz can stutter, and Trump will tell us that he can resurrect the dead Republic.

    NO ONE will speak a single word of substance – I guarantee it.

    NO ONE will explain how to “disappear” the $20Trillion debt.
    NO ONE will explain how to “disappear” the $220Trillion unfunded liabilities.
    NO ONE will explain how to “disappear” the socialist and union stranglehold on education.
    NO ONE will explain how to “disappear” the corruption in DC.
    NO ONE will explain how to “disappear” the socialists controlling the language and direction of “health care (we don’t need to replace socialized medicine, we need to be rid of it).”
    NO ONE will explain how to “disappear” pervert marriage (which is NOT a law, but a dictate by the SCROTUS).
    NO ONE will explain how to “disappear” the feminization of our Armed Forces.
    NO ONE will explain how to “disappear” 65 million rabid, feral, murderous izlamic savages.

    It’ll be another circle jerk – without the girl.

  9. Carly should go home. Trouble yourself to seek out what she did at HP. Her actions there, which speak louder than words, stamp her for what she is. A self serving oligarch. Piss on the minions. Shut up and know your place.

    And because the Executive Compensation Committee is comprised of assholes just like me, I’m going home with a sixteen million dollar check after I trash the place.

    Suck it, proles.

  10. ABC has managed to snare the GOP into eliminating Carla. ABC will now pronounce that the GOP don’t want women on their
    roster of assholes. Christie, Bush, and Kashit are on. What a bunch of assholes. Of course, the Lady should be on the stage, she make more sense than most of them and rips the shit out of Killary. Which I just love.

  11. Lost my respect for abc moderators. Why was Carley not on the stage, they would have to only put one more podium on stage. They screwed up by forgetting Carson what a bunch of losers!

    All the candidates wanted Carley she deserved to be there just as much as Kasick & Carson.


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