Carr: A year of living dangerously with Biden at the helm – IOTW Report

Carr: A year of living dangerously with Biden at the helm

Howie Carr Show: It’s Groundhog Day, and if the White House today is anything like the movie, Dementia Joe Biden will be very confused — same as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that …

Brandon has been president for more than a year now, and so it is time to muse on his accomplishments in Year One.

As always, all dialogue guaranteed verbatim:

“I don’t think there’s been much on any incoming president’s plate that’s been a bigger menu than the plate I had given to me I’m not complaining knew that coming in.”

May we quote you on that, Mr. President?

As president, he must daily welcome visiting dignitaries to the assisted-living-care facility that he resides in at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Recently, it was Mary Barra of General Motors.

“Mary uh I’m always talkin’ about Corvettes I don’t wanna make Ford or anyone else upset but uh um I don’t my point out you’re when I went to Dearborn driving that uh you know uh was up there I don’t know man it uh I think the press thought I was crazy I enjoyed it so much going up and your new EV facility….”

Wrecking the United States is not all fun and games, though. What about the cost of health care, Brandon?

“You know those bills you get that you don’t expect that are two to five thousand dollars from the hospital beyond what you thought you were gonna have to owe because the consultation you weren’t told was gonna cost that much no more.”

You know what really irritates Dementia Joe? All these damn names … and the titles of everybody who traipses through the nursing home for a photo op. How’s a body supposed to remember all these … senators? more

6 Comments on Carr: A year of living dangerously with Biden at the helm

  1. This can’t possibly be real of what all has transpired in the past year. I feel like we all have wakened up to an entire Country inside a shore-to-shore mental institution run by the inmates of the Democrat Party…many of whom are suffering from profound Cracked Crickets of the brain, as well as the scrotum.

  2. It won’t get better if the Kalamitous Jamindian takes over from Dementia Joe. Their Masters know this, but probably are hoping they can finish the Fundamental Transformation of America before the lowly citizens wise up. Their Plantation Dwelling base doesn’t care, because they can’t be bothered to get educated, but many others are finally waking up. Installing Dementia Joe was the only way they could finish accomplishing what they started with Baracky Osmidgen. They only have 277 days until the Midterm Elections to accomplish their goals. Bloody Hell.

  3. The Dirty Dems are trying to move fast so by midterms they’ll have enough cheats in place so elections don’t matter.
    They know people are waking up.
    Even the leftist heavy polls are proving that.
    Biden is so obviously just a puppet even the talking heads are nervous.


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