Carr: Deportations off to good start, but still plenty to go – IOTW Report

Carr: Deportations off to good start, but still plenty to go


Making America great again — one deportation at a time.

Every day, it seems, more illegal immigrants are being booted out of the country. It’s long, long overdue, and I love reading the excuses their taxpayer-funded lawyers come up with for their one-man crime sprees.

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7 Comments on Carr: Deportations off to good start, but still plenty to go

  1. Put a cash bounty reward for every illegal turned in to an 800 number. Open to all US citizens.
    Rewards paid out of confiscated personal property, vehicles, jewelry etc.
    Then advertise the hell out of it on all the Espanol channels and Internet.
    Have a new COPS reality show, hunting down illegals.
    They will self deport by the millions at near zero cost.

  2. The Gang Banger with Tatt’s is too funny, his Attorney has some Huevos !
    Ya see Judge, My Clients Tear Drop Tattoo Represents His Shared Liberal Experiances of the Social Fabric Experessed through Liberalism !

  3. From what I understand Cunningham went back to Ireland, went on national TV and bragged how he is living and thriving In America and is illegally here. So ICE picked him up. And shagged his ass back. Fuck him. Let him come here legally. That ain’t gonna happen now asshole.

  4. all these lazy good for nothing thieving men, women and children can just get their sorry asses off the western civilizations gravy train voluntarily or they will be removed forcefully and without remorse.

  5. Is it finally time for the MARK OF THE BEAST?

    We can register every human, and illegals can neither buy nor sell unless they possess the mark of the beast.

    It will be prisoners, illegals, then the elderly, children, government high security workers, and finally everyone else.

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