Carr: No jab, no job edict infuriates some Massachusetts State Police – IOTW Report

Carr: No jab, no job edict infuriates some Massachusetts State Police

Howie Carr: When it comes to COVID-19, it wouldn’t appear that the Massachusetts State Police are asking for too much.

They just want to be treated like illegal aliens — you know, to have the right to refuse the vaccine, and then be allowed to go on their way, no questions asked.

But no, Gov. Charlie Baker is insisting that every trooper must be vaccinated by Oct. 17, or they’re gone. His way or the highway, so to speak.

According to sources, the governor Dementia Joe Biden calls “Charlie Parker” has mobilized a “COVID-19 team” of the MSP brass to knuckle the rank-and file.

“They’re saying they can grant a ‘limited number’ of religious exemptions,” one trooper said Thursday. “What if I said there were a ‘limited number’ of Muslim-approved meals in the lock-up? How would that fly?”

Maybe, after they’ve purged the MSP of its dissident members, the COVID-19 team can turn its attention to other pressing matters, like the issue of “slip ‘n’ slides” at the Academy, or those lingering questions about nepotism and cronyism in promotional exams.

Last week, a trooper went on Laura Ingraham’s show on Fox. His name is Luke Bonin, from Troop D, and he’s a stand-up guy. If you google Bonin, you’ll see stories about how he rescued an abandoned American flag on I-195, and how he was photographed sharing a roadside meal he bought for a homeless female panhandler he spotted while returning from a court appearance. read more

6 Comments on Carr: No jab, no job edict infuriates some Massachusetts State Police

  1. I understand most people need their jobs but there is no way I’d be forced to take this at 8 months pregnant. Take an unpaid leave. There are stories with video of babies that have been born by mothers that were jabbed and they have rashes and neurological issues, uncontrollable jerking and shaking. And who knows the long term effects.

    “At one such gathering, a female trooper, eight months pregnant, emotionally talked about how she’d had trouble conceiving, wasn’t getting any younger, and was worried about both her unborn child and her ability to support him if she was fired by the RINO governor.

    She finally folded and got the shot Thursday.”

  2. Troopers who are eligible for retirement are beating the doors down to get out. The command staff are already stripping “non-essential” assignments to fill patrol vacancies. Attrition is such that it will be very difficult to staff the job without drastic alterations to the academy/training regimens.

    The question is not so much “can the state police survive as an organization,” but “what form the department will take in the future” …especially with the various sheriffs ready to fill the service gaps previously occupied by staties.

  3. Meh. I still have so many State Troopers watching my speed on the highway, I practically have a police escort to work every day.

    Not sure what else they do all day, but I sure wouldn’t mind less of THAT…

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