Carr: Thank Teddy for steady flow of illegals into U.S. – IOTW Report

Carr: Thank Teddy for steady flow of illegals into U.S.

BostonHerald: I blame Ted Kennedy for the unprecedented national disaster that is illegal immigration into the United States.

He isn’t solely to blame for this catastrophe, but Ted Kennedy was the frontman for the legislation that opened the floodgates — the Immigration Reform Act of 1965.

Until 1965, the U.S. had a functioning, sane immigration policy. No. 1, we enforced the laws. No. 2, the law was to only accept immigrants who would not become burdens to the taxpayers, and who wanted to assimilate. There was no welfare for aliens — legal or illegal.


The system worked. A national poll in 1965 showed that 58 percent of the U.S. public didn’t want any changes in immigration law.

But Ted Kennedy wanted to import a new underclass, even though he couldn’t come out and say it.


“The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants,” Teddy claimed. “It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”


21 Comments on Carr: Thank Teddy for steady flow of illegals into U.S.

  1. The wrong one drowned when the car went off the bridge. That, or Mary Jo should have stabbed the fat bastard for bad driving before drowning her. Blame also that evil Joe and Rose Kennedy…they instilled their brood with those values of the con man supreme, and entitlement.

  2. That’s one thing about democrats, they never stop trying to destroy America no matter how long it takes. I hope it’s nice and hot where he is. At least he’s surrounded by family.

  3. Remember when Teddy Kennedy and Chris Dodd would molest the waitresses in the happy drunk frolics? ahh some of their finest hours! Dhimmos tend to forget that, how convenient! Like they forget all the nastiness of Shrillary as she has attacked innocent humans, secret service, her own worthless spouse, anyone standing in her way…yet this skank Hillary still whines about the “deplorables” saying mean things about her. hahahahah.

  4. Ted was like the festering rot that started the decay of America and sparked the beginning of the liberal assault on all that made this country the greatest in the world.
    Fuck him and everyone that supported him.

  5. I hope the evil bastard is burning in he LL. We need to end immigration, it is an outdated concept. We have massive unemployment and are becoming more automated every day. There is nothing for third worlders to do here, except drive down wages and increase the welfare roles. Build the wall, deport illegals, time to close up shop. Besides not many people want to live in a nation of .5 billion people; if they did they would be flocking to Pakistan, Bangladesh, or the Phillipines.

  6. Rat Fink – too true! that’s why they couldn’t stuff him in a hole next to his brother John or else the Eternal Flame would ignite Teddy’s fumes.

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