Carr: The Rise And Fall Of Dr. Fauci – IOTW Report

Carr: The Rise And Fall Of Dr. Fauci

“Fauci Lied, People Died.”

Howie Carr: If you still occasionally run into some unrepentant Karen glaring at your unmasked following-the-science face, just scrawl the above words on your raggedy mask and wear it one final time.

Karen won’t bother you anymore, because what can Karen say after the release of all the Fauci emails from last year?

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a hack’s hack since 1968, is many things, but on the level is not one of them.

Consider his response to a February 2020 email from a Cornell University professor of medicine who wrote him: “We think there is a possibility that the virus was released from a lab in Wuhan.”

Fauci responded by forwarding the prescient warning to one of his minions: “Please handle.”

A month later, a government-funded physicist sent Fauci a warning that China was sending out false data, among other things.

Once again, Fauci dismissively fobbed off this 911 call to an underling: “Too long for me to read.”

Of course it was. You know how hard it is to concentrate on scientific data when you’re in the green room having the makeup applied for your third or fourth TV live shot of the day. Especially when you’re 80 years old. MORE

12 Comments on Carr: The Rise And Fall Of Dr. Fauci

  1. Walked into Campbell Plaza Liquors last night, had numerous you must mask 😷 to enter, of course I wasn’t wearing one, saw everyone masked and just said buh bye, and left to spend my money at a more sane establishment. 😁

    I’m done with these asshats. 🤨

  2. In between all the new posts here, I’ve kept Tatianna from Carmel NY up in another tab and I think I’ve listened to her about a half dozen more times since it was posted yesterday.
    And each time I listen to her, the more thankful I am there are such people in our country. And I want to borrow her closing remarks: “No answer? You’ve got no answers for me. That’s alright. We’ll get them one way or another.”

  3. Engineering is a discipline. My trade is a discipline. Science is a discipline. Fuck this clown and fuck the follow the science assholes. This is science fiction. This fucker would never make it as a simple machinist. He’s a worthless piece of shit that’s killed a lot of people

  4. A new variant of the Napoleon Complex is Fauciism
    – A person who achieves ultimate power within a bureaucracy despite a failed track record, who screws up so badly that many thousands of people DIE. Yet the killer bureaucrat maintains his power and is even revered by the people that love bureaucracies.

  5. “These Fauci emails are certainly revealing, so revealing, in fact, that the Washington Post isn’t posting them” I do recall WAPO publishing ALL the emails from former VP candidate Sarah Palin’s account; so many emails, in fact, they asked for the public’s help to comb through them to look for ANYTHING that could be used to malign and embarrass her. They found nothing. Progs are pathetic and weak.

  6. I don’t wear a mask anywhere. I was approached the other day by an old man st WalMart. I was minding my own business when he said to me “put a mask on!” I said “what if one has been vaccinated and is not longer contaminated?” Put a mask on was his answer. I looked him right in the eye and told him to go fuck himself. He was shocked that someone stood up to him. Then I told him his face mask was filthy and quit touching it. Gave him something to ponder the rest of the day. BTW, I will never ever get the death jab. My contractor’s wife got the jab, she’s in her 50’s and is hospitalized with sepsis. They have no idea where the infection came from. The jab perhaps? Only points to one thing.

  7. Why isn’t anyone talking about the ethics review process in the NIH? All these grants, funding that Fauci approved first has to past an ethics review by a department in the NIH. Guess who heads up that department? Fauci’s wife. In that picture of him sitting in the baseball stands at the height of the phone pandemic, the beast woman, also maskless, sitting next to him was the charming Mrs. Fauci. Wonder how much she makes and you can bet she was his accomplice on all his scams that have enriched both of them.


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